"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
chip sanft wrote:My thinking would be: Your friend invited you. If she's the sort of person who would notice and mind unshaved armpits, and not everybody is, presumably she has already noticed and minded yours. So when she was inviting you, that invitation went to hairy you, not a theoretical bare armpit you. And that person -- hairy armpit you -- is thus the person who should attend. QED.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Todd Parr wrote:
chip sanft wrote:My thinking would be: Your friend invited you. If she's the sort of person who would notice and mind unshaved armpits, and not everybody is, presumably she has already noticed and minded yours. So when she was inviting you, that invitation went to hairy you, not a theoretical bare armpit you. And that person -- hairy armpit you -- is thus the person who should attend. QED.
I can tell you why I disagree with Chip on this. All situations are not the same. For me it is not a binary equation, love hairy pits or hate hairy pits. An example. I have friends that are bikers, and bikers are much like hippies in a lot of ways. Often unshaven, rarely conform to societal norms, free thinkers, ... If I invite a friend to my wedding, I would like him to put on a clean shirt. I love my friend, and I would do anything for him. If he comes to my wedding in a stained, nasty-ass shirt with puke stains on it, I'll still love him. You can say "you invite the dirty, nasty him to your wedding, that is who should show up" if you like. To me, it is still a sign of respect if he puts on a clean shirt and doesn't stink at my wedding. 99% of the time, I don't care if his shirt is filthy and he stinks, it makes no difference to me. If he wants to stand on a soapbox on the day of my wedding and scream "I will not change, this is who I am, I'm wearing a filthy shirt and I will not conform to society's wishes that I don't stink!", then so be it. It isn't a matter of I mind stinky, stained shirts, or I don't mind stinky, stained shirts. Maybe her friends don't mind hairy pits at all, except in their wedding photos.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
K Putnam wrote:On the other hand, I did get myself thrown out of my sister's wedding party for refusing to wear a strapless gown and play the viola that I hadn't played in ten years in front of 400 people while she walked down the aisle. Epic bridezilla fail.
We could have an entire thread on what people do to each other surrounding weddings...but that would probably drive everyone to drink.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Todd Parr wrote:The biggest disconnect on this thread seems to be the one side thinking that they would have to change for someone, and the other side sees it as doing something for someone.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:
Todd Parr wrote:The biggest disconnect on this thread seems to be the one side thinking that they would have to change for someone, and the other side sees it as doing something for someone.
...and that's perfectly fine it is a personal issue and choice. I believe Cassie was just wanting to hear other views on it...I'm not sure I see a disconnect really or 'sides'...after all it's just hair and we're all just talking. To me it seems like everyone is saying it's really up to Cassie and her cousin's comfort zone in the end.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
I didn't mean it to sound like I thought there was something wrong with it, or with either opinion, just thought it was interesting to see that the discussion seemed to be lining up along those lines. On the contrary, many of my favorite discussions have been when I have someone I know and respect, like some of the people in this thread, that seem to have exactly the opposite opinion from mine. There is much less to be learned if everyone sees everything the same way.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:
I didn't mean it to sound like I thought there was something wrong with it, or with either opinion, just thought it was interesting to see that the discussion seemed to be lining up along those lines. On the contrary, many of my favorite discussions have been when I have someone I know and respect, like some of the people in this thread, that seem to have exactly the opposite opinion from mine. There is much less to be learned if everyone sees everything the same way.
...that was me then, reacting to what I thought I heard as an 'either/or' comment...things are never very black and white for me...usually pretty fuzzy
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Paul Busey wrote:
Colin Nelson wrote:The people who are most critical of body hair on women are women, from my experience.
Wow! Sorry Colin, but I really have to disagree. Not with your perspective, which is unique and true to your own person. But as somone who is very well traveled in the world, I see just the opposite being true. Also, women's fashion and grooming trends are currently set by men (pretty much globally). I have never met a woman that would shave legs, pits, privates/bikini if it were not for social pressure and male expectations(just ask a few).
So cudos to you Cassie, and again, sorry Colin, not trying to pick on you, I just really felt the need to try and add balance to what you wrote.
Where Philosophy meets the Farm: an approach to sustainable living.
Vic Johanson
"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's"--William Blake
"The rule of no realm is mine. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, these are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything that passes through this night can still grow fairer or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know?" Gandolf
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
Colin Nelson wrote:
Paul Busey wrote:
Colin Nelson wrote:The people who are most critical of body hair on women are women, from my experience.
Wow! Sorry Colin, but I really have to disagree. Not with your perspective, which is unique and true to your own person. But as somone who is very well traveled in the world, I see just the opposite being true. Also, women's fashion and grooming trends are currently set by men (pretty much globally). I have never met a woman that would shave legs, pits, privates/bikini if it were not for social pressure and male expectations(just ask a few).
So cudos to you Cassie, and again, sorry Colin, not trying to pick on you, I just really felt the need to try and add balance to what you wrote.
We probably run in different circles. I've got a lot of hippie-like lady friends, but I grew up in a female dominated southern conservative family (many catholic school attendees) and never heard anyone belittle or make fun of women with hair like I have heard from the females of said upbringing. I'm pretty well traveled myself, and find a lot of US views on women and their suffering pretty humorous when compared to the constant sexual harassment of women in Europe and India, or the oppression they face in Africa and the Middle East. That stuff is a whole different discussion, and those places really have a lot of male based oppression of females, cultural and institutionalized oppression...real serious, not even remotely humorous, stuff.
But here in the US...women are really mean to one another in many ways, on different levels. It's really weird, actually, how focused they are on other women. Social conventions on style and "hygiene" are focused on to a scary degree. My best male friends are very opposite of me...they like conventional American women and the standards of grooming they have been held to since the early 1900's, but they don't really say mean things to or about women with hair. None of them have ever said anything to me about the women I date, though females have multiple times. Maybe its because my close male friends know I'd just dismiss the criticism, and the women think I care what their opinions on it are. I don't.
No hard feelings or criticism taken for your reply.
I'm curious as to what Cassie's decision is, or if she talked to her friend.
Remember that shaving is a fad, sold by marketers, just like the clothes with holes in them and frankly things like the pledge of allegiance...none of them are old, none of them are the cornerstone of our society, it's just new age propaganda that's been profitable for the last 100 years.
I flag the "shave club" sponsored ads on social media as offensive, because I never met a man or woman who was less valuable to society due to the hair on their body.
(I actually have beef with Joel Salatin over his required grooming to work with him, but I digress...he can demand whatever he wants on his own farm.)
Be careful blaming men for the marketing of women's fashion. The people who market that stuff are not speaking for any significant minority or majority of men, they are simply selling things without regard to the impact it has on society, because they are horrible and disgusting people who sit in ivory towers and never really have to face the results of the poison they distribute to people. They are rich, sheltered, people who do not see you and I as humans, they see us as profit. (and tons of them are women..also, no offense to rich people because I love rich people, just not those rich people that don't have to live with the impacts of their choices.)
Just my 2 cents.
There has been a lot of good advice on this thread but I still think the best advice is "talk to your friend".
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas SECMOL.org . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
Creating sustainable life, beauty & food (with lots of kids and fun)
Jim Fry wrote:If you think there is any chance your friend, or others, might notice or take issue with your grooming, wear a shirt/blouse with sleeves. There is no requirement that you make a social or political statement everywhere you go. At a wedding, it is the bride and grooms day, no one else needs to be the center of attention. Shave or don't shave, cover up or don't cover up. Those are personal choices. Trying to be appropriate at someone else's event is what actually matters. --That is, if you want to try to get along.
"Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant." - Rhonda Byrne
Simon Malik wrote:
I hope that nothing I wrote came across as preachy, judgmental, or offensive.
Cassie Langstraat wrote:
Simon Malik wrote:
I hope that nothing I wrote came across as preachy, judgmental, or offensive.
I don't think it did at all! And I think the points you brought up were extremely valid and helpful!
It was part of why I brought this up, was because I was conflicted about whether to just suck it up and go with the flow, to honor my friends, or to not. So in the case of the one who seemed like she genuinely didn't care, I will not worry about it for her wedding. But for the other one who seemed like she might care a tiny bit, I will likely shave for hers.
I definitely want to honor and lift them up on this extremely special day for both of them.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Todd Parr wrote:
Not a judgement at all but from your perspective, is not shaving your armpits a situation where you really feel that you're standing up for something, or is it more a matter of it's just easier not to and you don't see a reason to, so you don't? It seems some people actually feel strongly that they are giving in to something if they shave, and I'm curious what that thing is that they are giving in to, or giving up? Maybe just not wanting to give in to societal pressure or ? I'm very curious because to me shaving or not is so non-important. I don't say that to downplay anyone's feelings on the subject that feel differently, its just an idea that is really foreign and hard to grasp for me.
Cassie Langstraat wrote:
Todd Parr wrote:
Not a judgement at all but from your perspective, is not shaving your armpits a situation where you really feel that you're standing up for something, or is it more a matter of it's just easier not to and you don't see a reason to, so you don't? It seems some people actually feel strongly that they are giving in to something if they shave, and I'm curious what that thing is that they are giving in to, or giving up? Maybe just not wanting to give in to societal pressure or ? I'm very curious because to me shaving or not is so non-important. I don't say that to downplay anyone's feelings on the subject that feel differently, its just an idea that is really foreign and hard to grasp for me.
It's partly me being lazy and not wanting to shave because it hurts and takes time. It's also partly a conscious decision to reject the societal norm (in america at least) that tells us that natural body hair is inherently *gross* and *unattractive* for women to have, but normal for men to.
Because it's not *inherently* gross or unattractive. Somewhere along the way, someone started telling us that. It's fine if someone thinks it's unattractive in their own, individual opinion, but I just think it might be important for them to examine that opinion and think about *why* they think that.
Is it because they genuinely think it's a hygiene issue for men *and* women? That's fine. (As long as there is no double standard there. I have heard the "it's a hygiene issue" argument used about why women should shave and I'm like "Oh is it? Interesting how men have managed to not shave since the beginning of time and *not* have it be a hygiene issue for them..")
Or is it just because that's the way they've seen *attractive* women presented to them their whole lives?
Just things to think about.
So, I got a bit off topic from your question. But the answer is this. Yes, it's the societal pressure that I am rejecting. No, I don't feel like it's the end of the world if I do shave. I am not that militant about it. It's just something I personally don't choose to do, and something I think worth considering on a bigger picture every once in a while.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Getting married means "We're in love, so let's tell the police!" - and invite this tiny ad to the wedding:
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