Now that I have narrowed it down, my job isn't done. That's because women are suspicious creatures, and for good reason. And some women are so reserved, that it's hard to get them to open up. I found it with several of them, they were going to say whatever you think. What sort of house would you like to have? whatever you think. What sort of job would you like to have,? whichever one you think I should have. It can be quite maddening. But I refused to play that game, and insisted on real answers. I did not give any prompting. When it is done this way, you can learn quite a bit about someone's values.
Some go almost to the point of begging you to get them out of there. There was a very nice but weird woman who used her camera to show me the neighborhood beyond her window. An endless carpet of metal roofs in a giant slum. She continued to attempt contact, long after I made it clear that I was exclusive with someone else.
Many of these women are smart and they ask questions and don't just wait to be picked by someone. I wouldn't be interested in the ones who are just willing to run off with the first guy willing to get them out of the slum.
The most consistent concern they seem to have is philandering. Their biggest fear is that they would marry somebody and in a few years he would ditch them or he would have several others going on the side at the same time. They all have friends who have had this happen to them. Some were foreign men but most were Filipino men. This is sort of behavior actually benefits those of us who aren't looking to head down that road. But it does require some salesmanship.
After several days of only talking to my new girlfriend, I decided to go back to the website to cover up my photos and to make a new heading. I said I'm taking myself off the market because I've entered a very promising relationship with a woman named ------. I used her name for a very good reason. Some fellows will tell half a dozen girls that they are exclusive and they will change their profile just say so. So half a dozen girls think that they are the person mentioned when he says I'm exclusive with one girl now. So I did this and I took screenshots of it all, because I wanted to convince her that I've stopped looking. While I was at the website, I noticed that she had been there a short time before. I questioned her about whether she was still taking messages. In fact she had already covered her photo and erased all other contacts. Then she admitted that she was coming back at least every hour to see if I had been on the website. She had done this every waking hour of every day since we first met. So I showed her the screenshots and this helped a bit with the suspicion. There were also screenshots of many unopened messages. It changes color if it's opened.
But she went looking at the profiles of all of these girls, and judged many of them to be more beautiful than herself and to be more suitable for me in other ways. So I explained my process and that at the end of it, I judged her to be the best choice for me. She doesn't quite fit the look of the Spanish looking women on TV who use skin bleach. The country is a genetic stew of people with Malay, Chinese, Spanish and Austronesian ancestry. To me she's a beautiful woman, but to her, she looks like a maid, because of a flattish nose, wavy hair and pronounced epicanthic folds in her eyelids. I'm guessing she's a mixture of mostly Malay with some Austronesian ancestry. I explained to her that
native peoples all over the world have had standards of beauty imposed on them, so that people don't even think their own children are beautiful. I told her that my mind wasn't poisoned in that way and that I think she's very beautiful. She's also smart. She has a bachelor's degree in IT Communications and she doesn't buy into the religious nonsense she was raised with. All good as far as I'm concerned. Her original profile picture was taken in bright light with a bright white background, so that it washed out her skin and features. I asked her to take some photos in regular lighting, and told her that they were really nice. After a few weeks, she believes me. She also told me that at 5 feet tall and 95 lb, she is too small. She's perfectly proportion for a woman that size and it's not a concern to me. I'm 5 feet 9 and 201 pounds. She thinks that I'm far too handsome for her. I sent her some of my bodybuilding photos, and she really likes them, but wanted to make sure that those weren't posted for other women to drool over. She asked if I would be able to pick her up, and I said yes, with one hand. This seems to be the one thing that she found very positive. Several times, she has told me that I'm so handsome that I can get a better one. Meaning better than her. I hope we can get past that.
That has to be one of the strangest things I've ever done, trying to get a beautiful woman to believe that I find her attractive. I'm twice her age. Old guys like sexy chicks. This isn't something white people have done. The Filipinos were keeping certain upper
class women out of the Sun and looking extremely pale, long before the Spanish arrived. This pale look was only achievable by the upper class, who didn't need their daughters to help in the fields.
We have talked about a million things and she's quite bright. She is totally open to moving to Canada. But every few days, she starts to worry again, that I might be looking for one of those bleach face women that I told her I have no attraction to. It's just nuts, but it's what she was raised with. There are millions of women around the world who buy into this. In Ghana about 80% of women bleach their skin.
I am convinced that if we can get past her insecurities, we could have a wonderful life together.
And there's just one more thing that's a bit weird. She was running out of data and told me that we would be out of communication for several days. The cost of data is something that I earn in 5 minutes at work. But she absolutely refused to let me pay for it and instead waited until her pay came in. The rationale is that she is not going to be one of those bought women. We talked about me come in there. I would stay in her parents home. So I asked what sort of
gift I should bring and apparently there's not much I could bring that wouldn't appear that I am trying to buy their daughter. So I questioned her concerning what would be allowed if we were married. Would I be allowed to build them a typhoon
shelter, from
concrete or compressed Earth blocks? Not right away, because then it might appear but she had gotten married, in order to get her parents a new house. Nuts. They live in a beautiful spot and produced everything that a person could want on a mixed Farm that includes little rice patties and fish ponds surrounded by High Ground that grows every tropical thing. Looking at the home and land, they don't look poor to me. But none of what they have has much cash value and it's important for foreigners to not flaunt their wealth. For $10,000, I could buy a nice little farm and build a house on it, so that we would have a nice place to stay when visiting in November, December and January. I asked if it would be okay to buy something like that and then allow her father and brothers to farm the extra land, since we would only need the home site. She agreed to that, but only because good land should not be wasted. Her father and mother raised 8 children and sacrificed to educate only two of them. My girlfriend and her younger sister. She pays the taxes on their land which is actually a government lease. For a relatively small amount, I could pay it off and they would have a title deed, but this would have to wait until she has been working with me in Canada, long enough that it wouldn't be considered an inducement for her to marry me, by the community.
Time will tell. I don't see any reason why this couldn't work, except for the mix of jealousy and self-esteem issues. She is honest, hardworking and intelligent. And she's completely enamored with everything about me. So I think she's great, she thinks I'm great, and our only issue is that she's not so sure that she is as good as I think she is. Nuts
I think I've gone far beyond my original plan to help a fellow out if he has no game. :-)
I posted without taking it into consideration, our female readers. These are the photos that have caused some of the trouble. Apparently every female from 9 to 90 in the Philippines would find them much too attractive, and therefore they needed to be hidden. I'm not done yet, I still need to take off 10 or 15 pounds of fat and replace it with 10 or 15 pounds of muscle. At 54 years old, I am more muscular than when I was 25. I started this transformation 2 months ago . For most women here that would not be a problem. They would show their friends and say look my boyfriend's looking pretty hot. But to my girlfriend in the Philippines, she thinks he's looking pretty hot, and that's a problem. Nuts.