Pearl Sutton wrote:
There is a famous saying "Men give love to get sex, and women give sex to get love." It's pretty accurate, there was a study done years ago (I learned of it in college in the early 80's, so before then.) Would you accept a marriage where there was no sex, all the love, affection, caring, kids, etc everything else you want, but no sex, for the rest of your life? Over 90% of males said no. Around 85% of women said yes. That's a deep thought to consider.
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Mike Jay wrote:I do peruse the Permaculture Singles section from time to time to see what the kids are up to. One thing I see that bugs me is a long post by a lady about herself and what she's looking for followed up by a response from a suitor to the effect of "Hi. I’m very interested in you." Wow, that must really get her motor purring. Come on guy, you can do better than that.
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
Sonja Draven wrote:
Mike Jay wrote:I do peruse the Permaculture Singles section from time to time to see what the kids are up to. One thing I see that bugs me is a long post by a lady about herself and what she's looking for followed up by a response from a suitor to the effect of "Hi. I’m very interested in you." Wow, that must really get her motor purring. Come on guy, you can do better than that.
Yeah, we love that. ;)
Just me and my kids, off griddin' it - follow along our shenanigans at our YouTube Uncle Dutch Farms.
Nicole Alderman wrote:Sometimes, perhaps, Dale's writing comes off sounding to some people like he might be a "jerk." Sometimes I wondered this myself... And then he went out of his way, to a country far away, to work his butt off for a moderator who had just lost her husband.
Here's a thread detailing all that
Actions speak louder than words. "Game" or not, Dale has a great heart. Some of us may not like "game"--but that doesn't mean it's wrong, and there are probably ladies that DO like "game" and one of them might be the perfect lady for Dale. I hope so. Dale's a great guy!
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Laboris Gloria Ludi- Work hard play hard
Dale Hodgins wrote:We've all seen well-written ads and we've all seen very poor ones. But I know that if for some reason, somebody just can't find anybody in the world who is suitable for them, the problem does not lie with the writers of these ads or with any of the other people they encounter whether online or in person.
A problem like that seems like it must come from within. Whether it's insecurities or unrealistic expectation, or apathy. I don't think we can blame other people for this.
In casting the wide net that I have, I think I've encountered dozens and maybe hundreds of women that I could be happy with. Really happy if it was one giant harem, but seriously, I really think I have encountered many. But that's because I'm open to being happy and I don't look to someone else to make me happy or to blame if I'm not. When two people who've got it together and are already reasonably happy, manage to find one another, then things are bound to improve for both of them.
That's actually one of the big criteria for me, when I'm searching. I have to ask myself would a permanent relationship with this woman make me happy, and would it be in her best interest? Would it greatly improve her life, to be with me? With these foreign sites, quite often the answer is yes, just because of economics, so I have to be very cautious in that regard.
During the short time when I was pouring through tons of messages, it became obvious that many of these women have encountered men of low character. Broken engagements, husbands who ran off as well as a few foreign men who have made big promises that they didn't deliver on. So, in some cases I've tried to keep it quite casual, as I said I was new to the site and just looking around. But really it was a process of elimination, and you don't want to necessarily let someone know that you were highly interested in them but now you've decided to eliminate them. This pretending to be a looky-loo, was somewhat deceptive, but I couldn't see any way around it. I really didn't like the idea of coming clean, telling a girl she's reached the top 10, so she's got a 90% chance of being eliminated. When it comes down to mathematics it really looks harsh. But every one of these women wants you to choose one and to not mess around with the others after you do that.
And it seems quite odd that we men have that ability, to choose one. Of course it has to be one of the ones that are interested in us, but the numbers give us that huge advantage.
The woman that I've settled on, if all goes well, has been worried from the very beginning that I will be lured away by another pretty face. It's really the only serious issue we've had so far. Her inability to accept that I can turn a blind eye to the millions of other pretty girls out there in internet land. She keeps comparing herself to others who's criteria for a husband comes close to matching who I am. And she wonders out loud, how it is that she made it to the top of my list. I've given her as many reasons as I can think of, but she still questions it, I think because she's been involved in those forms the women get on, where they talk about all of the issues they have with dating, and the fact that men find it very easy to replace any woman that gives them trouble. But I am not looking to replace her. She would have to give me an amazing amount of trouble, for me to start thinking that. I think it all comes down to insecurities, since she was abandoned after a three-year engagement. I told her that we need to get together in person, hopefully by Christmas time and then come to a decision. No 3 Year Engagement. She goes from being very happy about this, to extremely apprehensive. And she's not wondering whether she will like me, she seems to think that I will somehow discover some horrible fault, when we meet in person. I just hope she doesn't want to postpone it forever.
I just had an awful thought, what if she reads this stuff and decides that it was inappropriate material for discussion? I guess I would just explain that I'm very open about many things. But still I could catch shit for this. Time will tell.
Leslie Russell wrote:
Dale Hodgins wrote:We've all seen well-written ads and we've all seen very poor ones. But I know that if for some reason, somebody just can't find anybody in the world who is suitable for them, the problem does not lie with the writers of these ads or with any of the other people they encounter whether online or in person.
A problem like that seems like it must come from within. Whether it's insecurities or unrealistic expectation, or apathy. I don't think we can blame other people for this.
In casting the wide net that I have, I think I've encountered dozens and maybe hundreds of women that I could be happy with. Really happy if it was one giant harem, but seriously, I really think I have encountered many. But that's because I'm open to being happy and I don't look to someone else to make me happy or to blame if I'm not. When two people who've got it together and are already reasonably happy, manage to find one another, then things are bound to improve for both of them.
That's actually one of the big criteria for me, when I'm searching. I have to ask myself would a permanent relationship with this woman make me happy, and would it be in her best interest? Would it greatly improve her life, to be with me? With these foreign sites, quite often the answer is yes, just because of economics, so I have to be very cautious in that regard.
During the short time when I was pouring through tons of messages, it became obvious that many of these women have encountered men of low character. Broken engagements, husbands who ran off as well as a few foreign men who have made big promises that they didn't deliver on. So, in some cases I've tried to keep it quite casual, as I said I was new to the site and just looking around. But really it was a process of elimination, and you don't want to necessarily let someone know that you were highly interested in them but now you've decided to eliminate them. This pretending to be a looky-loo, was somewhat deceptive, but I couldn't see any way around it. I really didn't like the idea of coming clean, telling a girl she's reached the top 10, so she's got a 90% chance of being eliminated. When it comes down to mathematics it really looks harsh. But every one of these women wants you to choose one and to not mess around with the others after you do that.
And it seems quite odd that we men have that ability, to choose one. Of course it has to be one of the ones that are interested in us, but the numbers give us that huge advantage.
The woman that I've settled on, if all goes well, has been worried from the very beginning that I will be lured away by another pretty face. It's really the only serious issue we've had so far. Her inability to accept that I can turn a blind eye to the millions of other pretty girls out there in internet land. She keeps comparing herself to others who's criteria for a husband comes close to matching who I am. And she wonders out loud, how it is that she made it to the top of my list. I've given her as many reasons as I can think of, but she still questions it, I think because she's been involved in those forms the women get on, where they talk about all of the issues they have with dating, and the fact that men find it very easy to replace any woman that gives them trouble. But I am not looking to replace her. She would have to give me an amazing amount of trouble, for me to start thinking that. I think it all comes down to insecurities, since she was abandoned after a three-year engagement. I told her that we need to get together in person, hopefully by Christmas time and then come to a decision. No 3 Year Engagement. She goes from being very happy about this, to extremely apprehensive. And she's not wondering whether she will like me, she seems to think that I will somehow discover some horrible fault, when we meet in person. I just hope she doesn't want to postpone it forever.
I just had an awful thought, what if she reads this stuff and decides that it was inappropriate material for discussion? I guess I would just explain that I'm very open about many things. But still I could catch shit for this. Time will tell.
I had my reply all typed out and bumped the wrong key, losing it all. I'll take that as a sign.
I'll qualify first and say that I'm ridiculously healthy, and have an opinion (not an observation - a very different thing) about the woman you've "settled on". Dear God man, run. Fast. She may be a perfectly lovely person but is riddled with insecurities that you will spend many hours of the precious time you have left on this earth trying to soothe. She is already questioning why you chose her?? Oh, dear, she was abandoned after a 3 year engagement? Aw, poor thing. Certainly that is enough to wear the badge of woundedness for oh, let's say her lifetime. Until you work really hard to make it all better.
Which you'll never be able to do, because while she may have periods of soundness of mind, she will dig that sucker out of the knapsack she keeps concealed behind her back and whack you in the head with it.
She apparently has no self esteem whatsoever, which is very sad. Please keep searching and don't settle. Ever.
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Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Dale Hodgins wrote:But who knows where these things go with time. Given 30 or 40 years with me, I think a large number of people would gladly run down to the store and get me a grenade. :-)
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
My self-summary
I believe in equality and respect and that there are fundamental rights for human beings, regardless of...
I'm an engineer, in terms of both education and proclivity, with all the good and bad that encompasses. I love learning and can't imagine ever stopping, and I do geek out at times. While I would struggle to pass Kindergarten art, I do appreciate it.
In the spirit of learning, I'm always trying to be a better person. There are some things that don't come easy and I think I'll always have to work on them, but I'm fine with that. I don't think you can ever change someone else and I think it's wrong to try. If they aren't right for you just as they are, you're both better off moving on. I'm not looking for someone to complete me, rather someone who complements me.
I've been an atheist since I was a kid, but I'm thinking of taking up Odinism because eternity is an awfully long time and Valhalla sounds like the most fun you can have in the afterlife.
I may not be ridiculously good looking, but I'm good at looking ridiculous.
I'm 5'6" and have dated women under 5' and over 6', but if that doesn't work for you, no worries.
I loves me some babies, human or otherwise, and I love kids. Turns out I'm the crazy uncle.
I try to stay positive; I don't always manage it, but I think I always bounce back. The one exception is my hair. I'm having a bad hair life.
I think everyone has an incredible talent and that the biggest tragedy is never discovering what it is.
What I'm doing with my life
Learning something new every day.
I'm really good at
Being myself and not apologizing for it
Being a dad
Cheese trays, gift boxes, and gift wrapping
Doing the right thing even when nobody would know otherwise
Creative facial hair sculpting
Laughing out loud in public when something strikes me as funny
Sentence fragments
Not taking myself too seriously
Not judging people
I'm also incredibly strong. I can bench-press 1500 lbs, but I don't do it very often as it takes a long time to do 100 reps and the other guys at the gym get mad.
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
I think my favourite book is Good Omens, but second place is probably a hundred-way tie. I read a lot, both fiction and non-fiction, with the emphasis lately on the latter. I probably read a couple of books a week.
I haven't had cable for a very long time, but I do have Netflix; I'm not a Luddite. I can, and do, get sucked in at times, and it's nice to veg out occasionally, but it's not the best use of my time. That could change with the right viewing partner.
I like all six types of music: rhythm & blues, country & western, and hip & hop. Good music spans the spectrum, bad music is whatever I play.
I'm a big fan of food, sustainably grown/raised for preference. Being half Dutch, half British, I have a deep appreciation for the culinary skills of pretty much every other ethnicity. My personal belief is that the eras of British and Dutch colonialism were brought about, not because of the pursuit of imperialism or commerce, but simply to find something palatable to eat. I would love to take some classes in Thai, Moroccan, and Indian cuisine. If you're Thai, Moroccan, or Indian, we should talk.
Six things I could never do without
Tea, in most of it's forms.
Possibly 5 gallon buckets.
I'm not sure what else. I think if I had an adequate supply of tea and buckets, I could improvise anything else I need. If you're looking for gift ideas for me, I'd suggest a 5 gallon bucket full of tea.
I spend a lot of time thinking about
How to solve a problem like Maria.
Cows, pigs, chickens, and shit
Bees and the stupidity of humankind. While I haven't conducted any scientific studies, anecdotally I think it's apparent that intelligence varies inversely with the number of people gathered.
On a typical Friday night I am
Surprised it's Friday.
You should message me if
If you think my crazy and your crazy have a chance. We're all nuts in our own way and, looking back, I think my best relationships were the ones where her 'annoying' habits were endearing to me. I'd love to find someone who thinks the things about me that drive most people nuts are a positive. I told you I'm an optimist. I'm also looking for someone for whom honesty is important. We're all adults here and if you can't be honest with your partner, you really don't have a partner.
I'm not a patient man, so I would much rather meet for coffee (tea) than email endlessly.
That said, please don't bother if you're racist or homophobic; I really don't want to know you.EDIT
A piece of land is worth as much as the person farming it.
-Le Livre du Colon, 1902
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