We had honey garlic shrimp for dinner leaving an oily bowl in the dish pile. I used a paper towel to wipe the grease out, and turn into a fire starter. Then I rinsed it well in hot water and dried. Good as new (except the staining that’s happened over time because its cheap plastic).
Scraped the last out of the dish and onto toast.
Used 2 coffee filters to wipe clean. These are headed for the burnables bag.
Rinse with hot water, collected in the crockpot that made apple butter. It really needed a soak and has been catching water for a few days. It'll be dumped at the base of the apple tree.
Squeaky clean, air dry, then ready for refill.
*oops can't add pics from my phone
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Taco Tuesday Monday. Good to the last bite so no scraps except one tiny piece of lettuce. Used the clean part of the paper towel that dh had requested as spillcatcher for dinner to wipe. Finished with hot, hot water. All clean.
Someone flagged this submission as not complete. BBV price: 1 Note: The dish looks clean, but you're missing this one required photo: "the plate being wiped with a piece of paper for future fire starter"
I think she's lovely. It's this tiny ad that called her crazy: