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Ken H.
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
'Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.' groucho marx
Education: EAT Project * GROW
Projects: Keyhole-Hugel - Engine MOD
If you live in Ontario, check what we've got in the fruit/nut nursery: https://www.willowcreekpermaculture.com/trees-for-sale/
My wife's permaculture homeschooling and parenting site: http://www.familyyields.com
A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his children
My heroes are real people: These are the real Rock Stars: Sepp Holzer, Paul Wheaton, Geoff Lawton, Joel Salatin, Masanobu Fukuoka RIP, Larry korn, Toby Hemenway, Dr. Elaine Ingham, Gabe Brown, Vandana Shiva to name only a few.
paul wheaton wrote:Tomorrow I go to a specialist. And my impression is that physical therapy will be a big part of it.
Yesterday we were at a hospital and they gave me a neck brace. That seems to be one of the smartest things I've had yet.
It has now been 8 days. And I think I got the most sleep today. I get the impression that this might be a few more weeks. I like the system where Sharla is nearby and when I'm awake for a few minutes I can talk to Sharla about what's going on and to be done.
I think we're all agreed that the cause is me working far too many hours for far too many years. In fact the first thing that the first doctor said was no computer for a week. I thought I might be able to sneak in a half an hour a day, but in the end I couldn't put any time each day. The most I've been able to do is a few minutes with my phone voice recognition stuff
I think I need to transition the way I do everything even when I'm all better. I think I should limit my computer time 2/6 hours a day. I like the idea that the rest of my day can be devoted to light carpentry possibly even passion I feel like never flushed out: art.
I used to devour many books in a day. And I rarely open a book anymore. I like the idea reading or. All of this while at the same time finding ways to expand the Empire in a higher velocity than what we have done in. I still feel strongly that it is important to tell hundreds of millions of people about permaculture. I'm plotting and scheming ways to do this while not wearing myself out.
I think the focus needs to be more about the permies community and less about the Paul Wheaton show.
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:Thanks so much for the links, Troy and Samantha!
We met with the doctor (he's a surgeon by trade) to review the MRI images and there is a definite bulge/rupture between C6 and C7. It seems that resolving that bulge sooner rather than later helps the nerves that are being impinged return to normal function more quickly and possibly more completely. Some times there is permanent nerve damage from disc impingement.
The surgeon said Paul's bulge is one of the easiest to resolve surgically. He half-heartedly (?) agreed that physical therapy and other methods, including time, are worth trying to see if the body will resorb the bulge, though he didn't think that was very likely. I would like to think this is a professional bias on the surgeon's part, and that Paul could resolve and resorb (is that the word the doctor kept using?) the bulge with less invasive methods than surgery. Though I do think the doc honestly felt he could rid Paul of pain much more quickly with surgery than other methods. The important thing is that Paul is interested in trying non-surgical methods first.
The doctor thought just 11 days in to this is not bad, as he often sees patients who have suffered for far longer periods, and incurred much more damage, before coming to him.
It will likely be weekly doctor visits, at the very least, to monitor Paul's nerve function, checking for potential nerve damage.
We are also definitely looking at physical therapy and other things to support the healing process with this. Which means even more appointments. Being 40 minutes from town means almost 1.5 hours round trip, plus the appointment(s) time, so it's the better part of half a day sucked up.
Let's see, this week included Monday, 2 hours at urgent care about midway in the 8-hour drive home; Wednesday/yesterday, over 2 hours at the ortho clinic plus the 1.5 hours drive time; today/Thursday, 45 minutes at the MRI, an hour at the ortho clinic, plus 3 hours in between and the 1.5 hours drive time.
I suppose we have been really lucky that we don't know what it's like to have sooo many health care appointments! My goodness!
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