BRK #302
The PTJ continues, and so do Boot tasks... and successes.
It was a true team effort to mount Bob II (as in, "Bob The Second") on the Bob Tree earlier today. For those unaware and still curious, the Bob Line is a steel cable strung over 180' that will suspend several sunshades over the entire Classroom building, enablling cooler summer events. It's been a series of challenges to upgrade the system to its current state, and today we made tremendous progress.
Pictured here, clockwise from left:
Brian (at center),
Barton, and
Shai inspect the steel cable to Bob II prior to lifting.
tractor was used to lift and support Bob II while Shai connected the Bob Line to the Bob Tree via a 2-ton snatch block (a pulley with a hook attached). Here's the view from the roof of the Classroom, where I was staged.
Paul does rounds, he inspects the current state of Bob II and the Bob Line. We'll be making changes tomorrow (yes, that's a massive tree stump hanging from the tree next to him).
Also in experiments today:
Uncle Mud and blacksmith
Justin simultaneously burn and compare temps for melting iron in their respective rocket heater forge builds.
For dinner, event chef
Rebecca made the guests and staff some celebratory cheesecakes for dessert.
Finally: kitten update!
Puff AKA Batman's kittens are shown here napping on the steps leading into the Library. Believe it or not, there's four of them there.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!