POST 448 (DAY 458, Wednesday, 2021.11.10)
[Morning Entry]
Mike—no worries.. it’s all an experiment anyways.. let’s see what we learn once I investigate further! Thanks for all you do..!
….. grateful for people who care.. grateful for organic breakfast.. grateful for opportunity to plug-in to a homestead lifestyle instead of having to start from scratch on my own.. it’s easy to take for granted the things that are already established here, when the focus is on “what can I GET?”.. the challenge appears when focus is shifted to “how can I GIVE?”.. I call it a service attitude.. years of customer service
experience (about 2 decades), and I’m still learning how to serve better.. serve the community as well as myself.. it’s so very important to be mindful of ones own wellness and to prioritize it!.. it isn’t selfish to put on your own oxygen mask before trying to help someone put theirs on.. it’s the least selfish thing someone can do.. you are important.. YOU are important.. you ARE important.. you are IMPORTANT!.. gosh darn it!.. seriously.. tell yourself nice things if you don’t already.. offer yourself the space and time to
feed your soul.. it’s the “scrum-trulesence” of life.. as you may recall, these entries are kind of a journal for myself, as well as an inside look to my journey for those others who may be interested.. so I’m talking to me as much as the other “you's”..
….. gratitude always brings me back to what’s important.. gratitude means remembering and acknowledging that I have it pretty darn good.. and that I’m willing to be of good cheer instead of sulking in darknesses.. many blessings are ahead.. and this is just the beginning.. much love.. let’s go!!