POST 472 (DAY 482, Saturday, 2021.12.04)
[Morning Entry]
….. grateful for slow Morning rise—a friend of mine called it waking up slowly.. as the thought train starts up I observe its offerings, and write down the important ones.. otherwise I tend to lose track and remember later than desired.. first things first, in writing.. grateful for Saturday.. grateful for a stocked kitchen..
Inge—it was just his time I suppose.. yes I was very sad.. he was such a lovely cat..
Wez—it was a bit of poor planning and a moment of foolishly ignoring my intuition.. last weekend I went out to a nearby mountain for some sightseeing.. the snow was just sticky
enough to ride in but not ride out.. we slept there and got out the next day with the help of a mighty stranger and all was well.. poor planning because We went In too deep without proper equipment.. foolish because my intuition had told me to turn around early on, as well as to let people know where I was going.. we got lucky.. I thought a lot about potentially dying in the wilderness, then while digging our way through slushy uphill traction, a middle aged guy on an atv rides up and asks, “what the F**% are you doing out here??? In THIS car? How did you even make it this far??…” baffled yet mighty.. he was determined to get us out.. and he did.. I’m never doing that again.. that flavor of dramatic was too spicy for my taste—I like mild and predictable actually.. grateful for
Bootcamp! Because it’s flavor of dramatic is the way it is.. a manageable level of spicy..