POST 398 (DAY 408, Tuesday, 2021.9.21)
[Morning Entry]
Wez—they’re staying indefinitely.. :)
Inge—those cookies were scrumptious.. are there organic ones too?
…. So having been here for a little over a year, I’ve seen boots and visitors come and go.. the thing we want for every individual is to have a good time.. if I were to do a simple cost-benefit analysis, I’d say it’s a pretty sweet deal.. there is a learning curve to anything new—and this is a new way of living, for most people.. for someone to adapt to anything new feels like a change.. and change can be challenging.. is it a worthy challenge?.. that’s up to the individual.. benefits: room & board, and
experience.. cost: remember your human ability to adapt.. it isn’t easy, but it is simple.. like the abc’s or walking.. and simple can be a big challenge in itself as well—until you pass the learning curve.. then suddenly it’s second nature.. so does that mean the cost goes down over time?.. I suppose it depends on how someone chooses to look at it.. :)