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"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
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Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
James, I WISH I could show them that chart, but they are rather overwhelmed with some major issues right now, and being shown something akin to a "should" is the last thing they'd want to receive. It would not go over well with this couple right now, unfortunately.
"Our ability to change the face of the earth increases at a faster rate than our ability to foresee the consequences of that change"
- L.Charles Birch
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"Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant." - Rhonda Byrne
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"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
We did not have to nor did we cook any special foods for them. Our meals consisted of meats and veggies, soups, pasta, rice, you know, average everyday common dishes, but made with vegetables from our garden, or things we had canned, or organic fruits and vegetables from the store.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
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With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
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Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
"Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant." - Rhonda Byrne
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Medicinal herbs, kitchen herbs, perennial edibles and berries: https://mountainherbs.net/ grown in the Blue Mountains, Australia
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
constipation is a very real concern for a lot of seniors, so that's a good issue, too.
Gail Gardner @GrowMap
Small Business Marketing Strategist, lived on an organic farm in SE Oklahoma, but moved where I can plant more trees.
Joy Banks wrote: There was a study done in 2014 that blew the socks off anything I've ever seen. It used a small cohort of patients (10) and the findings showed beyond any doubt that a simple multi-pronged approach stops cognitive decline, and actually *reverses* it, if implemented in the early-to-mid stages. You can choose to focus on the dietary part but the whole thing is easily do-able, depending on interest. Why it's not being implemented everywhere and larger studies done is sheer medical malfeasance in my humble opinion. Everyone who cares about their elder loved ones, themselves, or society as a whole needs to download this and share it. It's only a few pages, with some technical lingo.
Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program
But a diet high in blueberries and walnuts they have devised together has had such a dramatic impact on Sylvia’s condition that their recipes are being shared by the Alzheimer’s Society.
Other foods she began incorporating include broccoli, kale and spinach, sunflower seeds, green tea, oats, sweet potatoes and as a treat, dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:inflammatory foods are linked to the deterioration in the brain
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
My dad has moderate Alzheimer's but appears to have improved while taking Theracurmin, a concentrated form of curcumin, the "active ingredient" in Turmeric. It's difficult to eat enough Turmeric to get the same effect, unless one lives on Indian food (yummmmm), so for ease of ingestion, my dad's physician recommended Theracurmin. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:inflammatory foods are linked to the deterioration in the brain
My dad has moderate Alzheimer's but appears to have improved while taking Theracurmin, a concentrated form of curcumin, the "active ingredient" in Turmeric. It's difficult to eat enough Turmeric to get the same effect, unless one lives on Indian food (yummmmm), so for ease of ingestion, my dad's physician recommended Theracurmin. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory.
Gail Gardner @GrowMap
Small Business Marketing Strategist, lived on an organic farm in SE Oklahoma, but moved where I can plant more trees.
Mushroom eaters performed better in brain tests and were found to have faster processing speed - and this was particularly noticeable in those who ate more than two portions a week, or more than 300g (10.5oz).
"This correlation is surprising and encouraging," said assistant professor Lei Feng, the lead study author, from the university's department of psychological medicine.
Dr James Pickett, head of research at Alzheimer's Society, said: "There are lots of factors that contribute to the development of dementia and it's estimated that up to a third of cases could be prevented by changes in lifestyle, including diet.
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QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
A piece of land is worth as much as the person farming it.
-Le Livre du Colon, 1902
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