Timothy Norton approved this submission.
Note: Looks delicious.
Paul Fookes flagged this submission as an edge case.
BBV price: 0
Note: Great job Victoria. Can you please confirm what the coating on the pan is.
If you can please post a reply below and submit a report, one of the certifiers will review this BB submission.
Timothy Norton approved this submission.
Note: Thank you for the clarification.
"The winter will ask what we did all summer" - Henry David Thoreau
Paul Fookes approved this submission.
Note: I certify this BB complete. Well done
"If we are not willing to fail we will never accomplish anything. All creative acts involve the risk of failure." - Madeleine L'Engle
Someone approved this submission.
Note: This BB is complete!
I'm pursuing SKIP to inherit property, check it out for yourself: SKIP book
I love that Rocket Mass Heaters are Carbon-Nuetral. In Erica's and Ernies Art of Fire Presentation, Erica explains the chemistry of how that's possible!
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Note: Awesome ladle & the soup looks very tasty. Good job.
bit by bit, I'm gonna get my bricks out in the sticks / bit by bit, I'm gonna build my house in the wildest thickets
Rebekah Harmon approved this submission.
Note: amazing!
Why fit in when you were born to stand out? - Seuss. Tiny ad:
Heat your home with the twigs that naturally fall of the trees in your yard