Ted Abbey wrote:..you have more pallets than money!
Lif Strand
New Mexico USA
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Ted Abbey wrote:.. when you pull discarded wheelbarrows out of the dump for spare parts!
My online educational sites:
Explore the Permies Digital Market - ebooks, movies, building plans, courses, and more. Oh my!
Your friend isn't always right and your enemy isn't always wrong.
The Compost Coach is a colourful, comprehensive and accessible guide to creating the very best compost AKA garden gold. Check out my book here: https://geni.us/TheCompostCoach & my IG here: https://www.instagram.com/compostable.kate/
The more I know, the less I need - Misquoted from Yvon Chouinard
William Bronson wrote:I recently took a young person on a dumpster diving tour.
We hardly took anything, but I think it was worth the investment in their education.
I like to hold my pee till I get home so I can deposit it in my yard.
This is very satisfying.
I keep chewed on bones to make bone broth, and use them afterwards as bone meal.
My friends and family ask me were to find things for free.
When I dig and find roots, I set them on the charcoal making pile.
When I find stones I add them to the masonry pile.
When I find grubs I give them to my chickens.
When I find worms I add them to my raised beds.
I often visit the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub.
I never bring anything there...
Many of my projects are made from other previous projects.
My favorite thing to get at Starbucks is, you guessed it, coffee grounds.
My motorized sewer snake is made from the parts of 3 discarded machines.
Most of my tomato supports are made from grape vines, a few of them are made from bindweed.
I have stolen locust tree detritus from my neighbors lawn.
I have stolen willow trees from the edges of an abandoned parking lot, and I intend to go back for more.
I have collected my fingernail trimmings to add to my compost pile..
The more I know, the less I need - Misquoted from Yvon Chouinard
Ruth Meyers wrote:
Judith Browning wrote:
When I recently sold my floor loom I still had odds and ends of equipment...I broke down the warping frame (wooden pegs set into one by four's and very aged) and now have part of it for towels in the kitchen and the rest as a coat rack in the back room...
I did something similar. The side panel of an out of date baby crib is mounted on a kitchen wall with IKEA "S" hooks holding all my small necessities.
The more I know, the less I need - Misquoted from Yvon Chouinard
William Bronson wrote:
I like to hold my pee till I get home so I can deposit it in my yard.
This is very satisfying.
Tereza Okava wrote:broken umbrellas are some of my favorite things. I use the hardware for stakes in the garden and the fabric to make mostly-waterproof tarps to throw over stuff on my back porch so the drips (rainy season, no matter how good the roof is there will be drips) and lizard crap don't get to be too much.
Madeleine Innocent wrote:The handle of a good quality bucket broke. i wasn't going to trash the bucket, but it was awkward carrying when full. My inspiration often comes at night. I have a pile of scrap to be recycled. I had removed the wire handle from a broken bucket, and still had it. With a drill, a saw and a bit of jigery pokery, I now have a bucket with a handle. And feel very pleased with myself.
Jesse Glessner wrote:
Photo #6 Shows the cups that some of my cat food comes in. I have a friend that hatches Monarch Butterfly eggs and she really appreciated a batch of these cups, especially the see through items. Some are solid colors that you cannot see through. I also donated a large batch to a cousin who teaches elementary classes for the students to use in their art classes for paint. They wash out great with very little sticky paint remaining when washed.
Saralee Couchoud wrote:My folks grew up in the depression and I feel like I did too. It's not something you think about, it's a mind set. It's the way your brain has been programed. I don't specifically look at something and say how can I use this. I see something and my brain, without my thinking about it, analysis it and says hay, you can use that for....
I guess it's genetic, when my son was 3 years old I was making dinner and threw a container away. Before it hit the bottom of the can he dove in after it. He then announced "I have a project for that "
Lif Strand
New Mexico USA
Saralee Couchoud wrote:My folks grew up in the depression and I feel like I did too. It's not something you think about, it's a mind set. It's the way your brain has been programed. I don't specifically look at something and say how can I use this. I see something and my brain, without my thinking about it, analysis it and says hay, you can use that for....
I guess it's genetic, when my son was 3 years old I was making dinner and threw a container away. Before it hit the bottom of the can he dove in after it. He then announced "I have a project for that "
Ted Abbey wrote:.. when you pull discarded wheelbarrows out of the dump for spare parts!
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Visit Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
How permies.com works: https://permies.com/wiki/34193/permies-works-links-threads
Jay Angler wrote:... when you bring your own re-usable containers to the restaurant to bring home any left-overs. It's a double win, because it means we don't end up with dreaded Styrofoam containers that aren't very re-usable or recyclable where I am.
And when my army is complete, I will rule the world! But, for now, I'm going to be happy with this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies