Cut some t shirts that I’ve been planning to fit into some day. They’re an adult small and I’m currently an adult XL. Even if I do fit a small again, they’re going to be taking up space between now and then and could be useful otherwise so here goes.
I decided to use the shirt that I salvaged buttons from to make rags too. First time making my own rags. I followed the video: How to Cut a T-Shirt into Rags.
You will see in the last picture that I put a black dot on the inside of the shirt pieces, as the video said it is best to wipe with the inside.
I bought this shirt from a charity shop during a heatwave last year and haven't worn it since. I decided to make it into rags to add some colour into my cleaning routine.
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- upcycle old clothing into rags
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
- a before picture of the old clothing
- an after picture of the rags made from the old clothing
- OR a 2-minute video of you doing this