, it is an acronym from the old days and that "F.U.C.K.=Fornication Under the Consent of the King."
Idle dreamer
Travis Johnson wrote:Every time I hear someone speak or write the F-Bomb, I kind of laugh inside. I was always told it is not even a word, it is an acronym from the old days and that "F.U.C.K.=Fornication Under the Consent of the King." In other words, if the castle had a party going on, and the King made this deceleration, people could openly fornicate under his consent without repercussions. So 99-1/2% of the time, when I hear or see the F-Bomb, it is out of context and makes little sense.
"Where will you drive your own picket stake? Where will you choose to make your stand? Give me a threshold, a specific point at which you will finally stop running, at which you will finally fight back." (Derrick Jensen)
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For the many not for the few
stephen lowe wrote:Could someone please explain to me what "appropriate language" is? I have never heard a single sensible explanation of why fuck or shit or ass or damn or bitch are inappropriate and yet all other words are. Someone please bring me up to date on this. Language's function, in my mind, is to convey meaning from one being to another. The only 'inappropriate' language I can imagine is using words that don't accomplish that conveyance of meaning. I suppose I can see how the breadth of usages that fuck has could contribute to a vaguery of phrase that may render the language inappropriate by my own definition but that is all circumstantial and not an inherent feature of the word itself.
Aww fuck it, maybe we should just let eachother talk the way we want.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Todd Parr wrote:
stephen lowe wrote:Could someone please explain to me what "appropriate language" is? I have never heard a single sensible explanation of why fuck or shit or ass or damn or bitch are inappropriate and yet all other words are. Someone please bring me up to date on this. Language's function, in my mind, is to convey meaning from one being to another. The only 'inappropriate' language I can imagine is using words that don't accomplish that conveyance of meaning. I suppose I can see how the breadth of usages that fuck has could contribute to a vaguery of phrase that may render the language inappropriate by my own definition but that is all circumstantial and not an inherent feature of the word itself.
Aww fuck it, maybe we should just let eachother talk the way we want.
In my mind, it's much like appropriate behavior. Culture decides if it's appropriate or not. Why is it appropriate if I go to the beach with my shirt off, but inappropriate if I go to a nice restaurant that way? For that matter, why is it appropriate for me to walk around without a shirt on, but inappropriate for my girlfriend to? Many things cultural don't have "sensible explanations", they are just agreed upon, at least by the majority of people. Most people agreed that certain language is inappropriate, and they understand which words or phrases those are, even if they don't understand the reason behind it.
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Creating sustainable life, beauty & food (with lots of kids and fun)
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Creating sustainable life, beauty & food (with lots of kids and fun)
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
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Creating sustainable life, beauty & food (with lots of kids and fun)
Jim Fry wrote:I really do not understand why there are so many people who feel it needful to use such poor language.
Especially when such "language" can so easily be mistaken in negative ways.
~~~In this case, I wonder why the young woman's mother couldn't have advised her daughter to keep a: Freedom Account, or Independence Account, or Rainy Day Account, etc.
Instead of teaching her daughter the use of crudity, that some will laugh at, and others will blanche at.
Just why was that necessary?
Followed by people the daughter influences to continue to use such crudity?
Language can be so beautiful. Must we drag it through such unpleasantness?
Her mother had a fine idea. The daughter told a helpful story. It seems a shame to make it less.
Jim Fry wrote:I believe you all ay be getting way too hung up words.
A piece of land is worth as much as the person farming it.
-Le Livre du Colon, 1902
"It goes without saying that this car will not be available in the United States market," the letter goes on to say.
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No rain, no rainbow.
Does this tiny ad make my butt look fat?
Willow Feeder movie