….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
Kimi BrownKawa
Christ is Risen!
Mark Miner wrote: get rainfall info as locally as you can
Kimi BrownKawa
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Cristobal Cristo wrote:Of course not all deserts are equal, but I doubt you can get cheap desert land with irrigation canals gushing with water through the property or with a high yield well that has not contaminated, potable water.
Desert climate - especially high desert is pleasant to live for humans, but not for most edible plants. Mine is more more wet, continentalized Mediterranean with high desert features and I love it, but growing plants is very difficult. At least I can produce a lot of sheep - on a dessert they would not have enough vegetation. Even here, most of the native plants are not palatable to them.
~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
Kai Terveer wrote:What would you look for when buying land in the desert?
T Simpson wrote:
Kai Terveer wrote:What would you look for when buying land in the desert?
Water. Weeds. Women. If it is missing any of those you know you're going to run into problems eventually.
There is madness to my method.
"Life finds a way"- Ian Malcolm
"We're all mad here" - The Cheshire Cat
Anne Miller wrote:I would suggest checking into local sources available.
Edit to say: We bought on top of a mountain at 3,000 ft, who would have thought about flooding?
Look at the work done by Seff Holzer, Mark Sheppherd, Geoff Lawton, and Bill Mollison because all of these folks used some sort of Dryland Farming techniques.
There is madness to my method.
"Life finds a way"- Ian Malcolm
"We're all mad here" - The Cheshire Cat
Alina Green wrote:As someone who has grown up in more humid climates, when I go to the desert, my discomfort at dry eyes, bleeding nose, cracking and itching skin is so immense, I wonder if that would be doable for me.
I assume a person would adapt, but it's worth thinking about. Because those everyday niggling things can drive a person crazy!
~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
Alina Green wrote:As someone who has grown up in more humid climates, when I go to the desert, my discomfort at dry eyes, bleeding nose, cracking and itching skin is so immense, I wonder if that would be doable for me.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
PI day is 3.14 (march 14th) and is also einstein's birthday. And this is merely a tiny ad:
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