Donna Lynn wrote:Kelly, add to your communication category: usb rechargeable two way radios. and have a small solar charger for them (and your cell, rechargeable batteries etc.)
I just got a set inexpensively that are good up to 16 miles.
M Smythe wrote:Your biggest problem and mistake was living alone. Especially in a place like Scandinavia. I run a small farm and am the main worker. I took in some former friends turned into squatters that then tried to take over my farm last year. They broke into my house, and threatened my 76-year-old mother after beating me bloody in my backyard. They did it and dared to because they had 5 people vs. me and my old mother. Never again will I make the mistake of being too few. You need like-minded friends or family with you. Something can and will always happen. It could be covid or could get robbed or could be something as simple as no power and water and far from help and heat. You need another person who can be a trusted helping hand, especially in these dangerous times. I am telling you my personal experience because it is too easy to get killed now doing something stupid. I'm 41 and healthy, and people still thought they could try to kill me and take over. Be careful for god's sake. If not for real friends and fellow neighbors, I would have died on my own place.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Trace Oswald wrote:
M Smythe wrote:Your biggest problem and mistake was living alone. Especially in a place like Scandinavia. I run a small farm and am the main worker. I took in some former friends turned into squatters that then tried to take over my farm last year. They broke into my house, and threatened my 76-year-old mother after beating me bloody in my backyard. They did it and dared to because they had 5 people vs. me and my old mother. Never again will I make the mistake of being too few. You need like-minded friends or family with you. Something can and will always happen. It could be covid or could get robbed or could be something as simple as no power and water and far from help and heat. You need another person who can be a trusted helping hand, especially in these dangerous times. I am telling you my personal experience because it is too easy to get killed now doing something stupid. I'm 41 and healthy, and people still thought they could try to kill me and take over. Be careful for god's sake. If not for real friends and fellow neighbors, I would have died on my own place.
I'm sorry you went through that, but the OP made it perfectly clear that she is very lonely and would like someone to share her life with, so I don't think it's fair to say that her "biggest problem and mistake was living alone". Not everything is a choice, sometimes we live in the circumstances we are stuck with and do our best.
Byron Gagne wrote:That’s a crazy story! I’m glad you made it through! All the reason to join Jijitsu. I would hate to have someone grab me with my two livestock dogs around they would quickly become Maremma sandwiches. Sorry you had to go through with that!
M Smythe wrote:It was hard. They took over my shop, destroyed my house, I lost control of half my fields after they blocked access with aggressive dogs. They had a whole squatter encampment set up and walls and fence to keep me out. The worst is the law of this state make it hard to get rid of criminal scum. Imagine being told by law enforcement that said squatters got rights and you don't.
M Smythe wrote:. . . .You need like-minded friends or family with you. Something can and will always happen. It could be covid or could get robbed or could be something as simple as no power and water and far from help and heat. You need another person who can be a trusted helping hand, especially in these dangerous times. I am telling you my personal experience because it is too easy to get killed now doing something stupid. I'm 41 and healthy, and people still thought they could try to kill me and take over. Be careful for god's sake. If not for real friends and fellow neighbors, I would have died on my own place.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
M Smythe wrote:It was hard. They took over my shop, destroyed my house, I lost control of half my fields after they blocked access with aggressive dogs. They had a whole squatter encampment set up and walls and fence to keep me out. The worst is the law of this state make it hard to get rid of criminal scum. Imagine being told by law enforcement that said squatters got rights and you don't.
That sounds pretty ugly. And yes, having good and trusted neighbours and family is of great value, wherever you are. These give law enforcement a 3D picture of the situation, and attest to your character, which guides their response.
Kelly Craig wrote:I'm on sites where some individuals cry out to abolish ALL government. I am not bashful about telling them they are fools for it. The real issue is, moderation and control.
As you pointed out, one person can only rarely stand against an army of just a few, but by joining with others, those few can be held off and, if need be, beaten down.
In reality, the only reason most of us have an ax / vehicle / house / stove / electric and so on is, people came together. And, the only reason many of us are/were able to keep our things was because people came together, created rules, and enforced them.
Our roads that allow producers to move goods to market and us to get to them got built by people coming together, not because someone built them by themselves.
M Smythe wrote:. . . .You need like-minded friends or family with you. Something can and will always happen. It could be covid or could get robbed or could be something as simple as no power and water and far from help and heat. You need another person who can be a trusted helping hand, especially in these dangerous times. I am telling you my personal experience because it is too easy to get killed now doing something stupid. I'm 41 and healthy, and people still thought they could try to kill me and take over. Be careful for god's sake. If not for real friends and fellow neighbors, I would have died on my own place.
Tereza Okava wrote: M Smyth, you've also had a heck of an experience and I think it's an important topic that others may find very useful. Would you consider making a thread about squatters (and avoidance thereof)? You could put it in the homesteading or community forums and resume the conversation.
I'm only 64! That's not to old to learn to be a permie, right?
Tereza Okava wrote:M Smyth, you've also had a heck of an experience and I think it's an important topic that others may find very useful. Would you consider making a thread about squatters (and avoidance thereof)? You could put it in the homesteading or community forums and resume the conversation.
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
Kaarina Kreus wrote:I had some sweets but run out of them quickly. Warning to anyone planning to live without frequent visits to the shop: take the amount of chocolate you can maximally imagine consuming and multiply by ten.
No, actually twenty. Might as well add a buffer. OK, thirty.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:
Kaarina Kreus wrote:I had some sweets but run out of them quickly. Warning to anyone planning to live without frequent visits to the shop: take the amount of chocolate you can maximally imagine consuming and multiply by ten.
No, actually twenty. Might as well add a buffer. OK, thirty.
I thought I was the only person who hoarded chocolate...
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Trace Oswald wrote:
Anne Miller wrote:
Kaarina Kreus wrote:I had some sweets but run out of them quickly. Warning to anyone planning to live without frequent visits to the shop: take the amount of chocolate you can maximally imagine consuming and multiply by ten.
No, actually twenty. Might as well add a buffer. OK, thirty.
I thought I was the only person who hoarded chocolate...
Nope, me too. I consider it comfort food for the really hard times when comfort may be hard to find.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Nicole Alderman wrote:
Nope, me too. I consider it comfort food for the really hard times when comfort may be hard to find.
Live, love life holistically
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Whathever you are, be a good one.
Personally, I store most of mine in the form of quality dark chocolate covered almonds. I don't know what it is about that combination, but my blood sugar has a nasty habit of sliding a bit low, and the DCCA's don't cause a "spike and crash" reaction. Medicine that tastes good!Kaarina Kreus wrote:Honestly, I vouch for storing a ridiculous amoynt of 70% cocoa chocolate. It gives you the sweet lovely kick of a treat, without pumping you full of sugar.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Kaarina Kreus wrote:Honestly, I vouch for storing a ridiculous amoynt of 70% cocoa chocolate. It gives you the sweet lovely kick of a treat, without pumping you full of sugar.
Just a sweet lovely moment of bliss...
Kelly Craig wrote:
Adding a 6" or 8" plastic pipe filled with regular charcoal, and emptying outside, can serve as a urinal. Of course, so will a tree.
Mary Cook wrote:... I found that any time I met a man I would instantly apply what I called the demographic screen: Is he male? Is he roughly my age? Is he single? Is he heterosexual? If the answer was yes to all four, he was possible...
Alina Green wrote:Coincidentally, there is an online event coming up soon on EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, aka tapping.
. . . .
It was so airy-fairy, I thought, oh hell, just try it already, before you go crazy. It might just help.
Surprise, surprise, I've been using it ever since!
. . . .
Kelly Craig wrote:NOTE 1: If living in a fire, hurricane or tornado zone, consider the danger tall trees present. When possible, clear trees back from property they would endanger.
Education is a state controlled factory for echoes. -Norman Douglas | History is a vast early warning system. -Norman Cousins
There is thinking about how to do something, and there is doing it. Eighty percent of the time one or the other is overlooked.
I don't even know how to spell CIA. But this tiny ad does:
Willow Feeder movie