Here is my submission for the Rocket - Sand - Boil Water on a J-Tube BB.
I used a J-Tube Stove at Wheaton Labs during BB20. It lit of quickly at 9:03 and I loaded the wood feed at 9:08. I added more wood at 9:21 and had a rolling boil by 9:30.
To document the completion of the BB, I have provided the following:
o pic of starting materials before fire
o pic of fire started
o pic of additional wood added
o pic of water boiling
Could I use a tiny coffee can rocket for this bb? Or like a cinder block j-tube style formation? Or does it actually need to be done with a more permanent model?
I did this for the first time a couple months ago and am pleased that it went even faster this time. We built both a dual-burner rocket stove and a j-tube rocket stove. I mostly work on the j-tube and I love it! The colder months make working outside less pleasant, but we had beautifully mild weather this morning. Our water pump is giving us rather orange water right now, so I will not be cooking with the unfiltered water.
Pinecones are the best fire starters, everyone!
Let there be warmth and light
Pot on
More wood
I promise it is not muddy water, just very high in iron.
And we are at a boil!
"And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else."
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15