BRK #420
A rainy Monday, and an enjoyable start to the week.
This past Friday,
Cat and I noticed that there was a downed
fence and gate over at Allerton Abbey, so the team headed over there today for the repair job. There turned out to be two gates busted by something. Here's one of them.
deer? The black bear we spotted on the trail cams a couple weeks ago? Not sure. We saw deer tracks inside the Abbey
fence, but not bear tracks.
Anyhow, we powered through the increasing precipitation to finish 90% of the downed junkpole fence. Here's how things looked close to the start of it.
Dez did some fancy shaping and crafted this pair of supports for the lower segment of the damaged fence.
In the afternoon, Cat,
Owen and I moved forward on the battery box
project, and made sizeable progress. We ought to be able to finish this tomorrow. Here it is in its current state, held more secure with a ratchet strap.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!