Our fridge was here when we moved in - it is owned by the landlord. It's a bit small and a bit old and gets blocked up easily. One day, maybe, we will have a big, cool pantry and not need a fridge. That would
be nice.
Anyway, like a few of the other submissions have mentioned, the drain plug gets pretty disgusting and blocks easily, resulting in the drawer at the bottom filling with
water. I clean this part pretty regularly but the rest of the fridge really needed doing. Also, we have guests this weekend and so took the opportunity to do so.
The fridge is
super full in these photos. We don't usually keep it so full but we had just done a big shop. It is more efficient when full at least, having much more thermal mass.
We used
plain water for most of the wiping down and a little bit of
Ecover Multi-action Spray for the drain plug area. It is
completely biodegradable.
When cleaning the drawer and shelves I
collected all of the water (no cleaner was used) and used it to
water the garden. Specifically, I chose to water the grass area that I am transforming into a meadow (it hasn't rained in several weeks - I don't usually water grass!) and my Wine Cap
mushroom bed (which is less than a year old and needs the occasional watering to encourage fruiting).
food waste was composted. Remarkably, we didn't have to throw anything away - just a few scraps of vegetables from the drawer.