Hi Tim, it is good to hear you are ready to get serious, because tea is serious business. It would help us to know what you have been drinking that has all the calories, before we can give you a proper tea sommelier opinion.
In general, beer drinkers will want something soothing. Hops strobiles
should be simmered in milk for about five minutes, with or without cardamom and cinnamon, and sweetened with a low-profile honey. Technically you should brew the cinnamon separately in water for 30 minutes first, which can be done ahead of time and stored in the fridge for 2-3 days. Skullcap, mint, and chamomile are also mellow, but most people do not like them for day-to-day, because they have things to do. They are better evening herbs, where they can, for many people, replace a night cap if brewed strongly. Watch out for the skullcap if you have blood pressure issues or take prescriptions. Another really great nighttime cup is firefly chai. Brew the cinnamon chips in simmering water for 30 minutes then add ginger chips or fresh ginger for 5-10 minutes, then add cardamom and nutmeg for another 1-2 minutes, then cream and honey. Some people add tulsi, which is a kind of basil brewed as tea.
Green tea, in large quantities, is a good all around daily tea, both for people who like sedatives and for people who like stimulants, and for people who like sugar, you can add honey. It has theanine and other relaxing constituents, which suit many people because they calm without sedating, and the caffeine provides
pep. Some people also like tulsi for this purpose, which does not have caffeine. There are a huge number of kinds of tulsi to try. I like the flavor but I can't get into it. I find it too drying and not peppy enough.
Green tea differs from black tea, coffee, and chocolate in not containing constituents that strongly alter sulfur metabolism in the liver, not strongly altering endocrine balance, not causing detoxification-retoxification cycles, and not draining vital essence (jing) as much. It is difficult for people who consume any of these three substances to enjoy green tea because green tea is similar enough to tickle their addiction, but they don't get a big hit off it, so they generally do not like it.
When switching from
energy drinks to green tea or from coffee, black tea, or chocolate to green tea, the trick is to switch to yerba mate first. Mate does alter sulfur metabolism, but it alters endocrine hormones in a completely different way than the above four substances (which tend to involve dopamine whereas mate involves other neuroendocrine hormones also.) It also doesn't cause detox-retox reactions, and doesn't drain jing as much (energy drinks drain it quick, stay far away. Far.) The step down from mate to green tea is much smoother. Or you can keep up a pretty expensive mate habit for a good long time. Take a look at elderly Argentinian statesmen, they usually still have their teeth. Some people keep their teeth on coffee, too, though. Fat soluble vitamin content plays a large role. But I think people age better on mate than coffee, personally.
For people who love diet sodas, mate can also be a good choice, especially the fizzy canned mate. You get the pop top and the fizz, and the diversity of effects on neurochemistry can be a good substitute for the phenylalanine in diet sodas. For high fructose corn syrup sodas, black tea with a lot of honey is a good step down, because black tea spikes blood sugar almost as much as coffee, but is less hard on the teeth and less pushy on the liver.
If, on the other hand, you like a good elbow to the liver, especially true of people who drink coffee to be regular, a dandelion root and chicory root blend might be a good drink to switch to, but do not consume daily, because the detox-retox can be very hard on the optic nerves for some people, and lead to vision loss. They will also alter some prescriptions. Milk thistle is a better daily liver antioxidant, but does not make a great tea. It is better as a sprinkle over oatmeal, in my opinion, but I would love to be wrong, if anyone has a blend that makes milk thistle palatable as a tea. Another thing to consider is that maple syrup contains vitamins and minerals and acts as a mild laxative.
For wildcrafted daily tea, I'm experimenting with fermented fireweed tea, which grows in abundance where I live. It is used daily in Russia, but there isn't enough data, in English, in my opinion, to call it safe for daily use yet. It is tasty and brisk with a lot of aromatics and body. I also like fermented red blueberry leaves. A relative of Camellia, they do something like black tea, but not as strongly.
For a sturdy nutritious tea in between caffeinating, an herb tea like alfalfa (for people who are not sensitive to saponins,) raspberry (for people who do not have dry skin,) oat
straw, and
nettles (for people without kidney concerns) are full of minerals, and wonderful ways to add more honey to your diet. Honey is sweet but contains vitamins, minerals, and
local pollens. Energetically, honey is neutral and dispersive and nutritious, whereas white sugar is very damp. These are esoteric Chinese terms so please consider that very few people truly know what they mean, and I am not one of them, but in general it is important to know that the oldest extant continuous system of medicine makes an important distinction between these two forms of sugar, and considers that they contribute very differently to weight gain.
If you haven't tried the bulletproof coffee trend, it is an interesting way to extend nighttime fasting. Not for the frail, a tablespoon full of coconut oil (or a derivative like MCT) is added to a cup of coffee or tea, something caffeinated, upon waking up, allowing the brain to digest the fat and run on ketones, theoretically, until lunch. Many people enjoy this trend and find that it helps them maintain a weight that they like, decreases inflammation, and various other claims. It's not my cup of tea, though, because it makes me grouchy. My cup of tea is an Indian or Japanese green tea of any variety except matcha.