Nicole Alderman wrote:Oh man, I'm feeling this this year! I'm not terribly coordinated nor terribly strong, so wielding a chainsaw is not something I feel comfortable doing a lot of. And chopping wood literally takes me 3-10 times as long as it takes my husband to do. But, this year, my husband's Crohn's flared up, leaving him unable to walk...right when we really needed to bring in the trees my dad had--very kindly--came and chainsaws into rounds. I managed to get the wood under tarps...but it rained so much that the soil was a sodden and soaked the logs. By the time my husband was healed up enough to help move the heavy, wet logs, they were so soaked that they'd started growing mold and mushrooms. We got them in, but he didn't have time to chop them before he had another Crohn's flare-up. He's been unable to carry heavy things for over a month (or walk for about 2 weeks of that month).
Needless to say, I've been having to try to chop and haul all the firewood, piling it up in front of the woodstove to dry enough to light a fire, It's at least 30 minutes a day just doing that, and another 15-30 minutes maintaining the fire. Things I've learned:
(F) Even after a month of chopping firewood nearly every day, for 30 minutes, I still stink at it.
(G) I really hope my husband gets better soon, for all the reasons (one of which is that it's truly lame how much slower I am at these tasks than him!)
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C Murphy wrote:This issue is actually one of the factors I'm considering when deciding where to buy property. Where I live is mild, I could probably spend 1/4 the time gathering, transporting and chopping wood as colder places. I'm fine doing that work now but in 20-30 years, less so. I have friends looking at properties in the Yukon for the cheap prices. I look at it and see much of my time being gobbled up with both heating and food preservation, instead of being able to eat fresh from the garden almost year-round. That is worth money to me.
Lina Joana wrote: Just a thought - if you can seal the leaks in the ceiling and floor it can make a big difference and make what wood you do have time to chop go that much further!
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
Living a life that requires no vacation.
Longspoon Collective
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
John F Dean wrote:In homesteading, I have found the equation frequently comes down to time or money. I would never call wood heat free. I have been in situations where I have acres of wood, including blow downs, and minimal financial income. In those situations, wood seems to be the best alternative for me. I have always had my houses well insulated. It doesn’t matter what the source of the heat is, insulation pays off.
When I have found myself working full time, I have used our LP furnace more than the wood. As I said, for me it seems to always come down to time or money.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Michael Cox wrote:Sadly the fabric of the building cannot be touched. It is a historic listed building, and retrofitting insulation and double glazing would not get past planning. This prevents the obvious steps that I would love to take - RMH, secondary glazing, insulating the walls etc... The windows are absolutely huge and single glazed. Plus we rent, which adds another layer of difficulty.
Our current compromise is working reasonably well - when we have the time we use teh stove, but when time poor we will revert to the central heating.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Kelly Craig wrote:I am a firm believer in, "where there is no solution there cannot be a problem." Of course, we may not always like the solution.
Using ROCKET MASS HEATERS to burn 1/10th the Firewood
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
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Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Greg Bogdan wrote:Net-negative? Hard work has a lot of net positives. I spend hours cutting, hauling, splitting and stacking though this exercise is priceless. Scientist have discovered that "moving" is linked to living longer. So yes, going 100% wooding burning takes time, for me as well, but there are so many benefits. I also like communing with nature when I am out. I have about 55 acres of forest with a lot of trees dead, mostly dry, and off the ground. I also save about $300-$600/month on electric heating bills. I also take my son out with me, and often my wife. There is definitely a tradeoff. I also sharpen my chainsaw chains myself, very fast and cheap once your learn. Fuel and bar oil are not free. Overall a net positive for me.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Greg Bogdan wrote:Net-negative? Hard work has a lot of net positives. I spend hours cutting, hauling, splitting and stacking though this exercise is priceless. Scientist have discovered that "moving" is linked to living longer. So yes, going 100% wooding burning takes time, for me as well, but there are so many benefits. I also like communing with nature when I am out. I have about 55 acres of forest with a lot of trees dead, mostly dry, and off the ground. I also save about $300-$600/month on electric heating bills. I also take my son out with me, and often my wife. There is definitely a tradeoff. I also sharpen my chainsaw chains myself, very fast and cheap once your learn. Fuel and bar oil are not free. Overall a net positive for me.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
How Permies works:
My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
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GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy