This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Just. Build. The. Damn. Thing!
Pearl Sutton wrote: Add to our pouch of tricks, maybe? I'd rather have a pouch, a pretty one please.... :)
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Spencer Miles wrote: Here are the ice-breakers I have considered, but have yet to try (All of them begin with 'Hi! I'm Spencer...') - ladies should comment on them:
Unless you are talking to someone like me who has problems about answering the question that was asked, not the intent. You might not like my answer. Might be a hazardous one."Why aren't you my girlfriend?" (I really want to try this one - it seems fun)
I'd give you half point for that. you are trying, but is that really your best? And what am I supposed to respond? "I'm sorry you can't think of anything clever." seems rude. I'd be more into "I had a clever line ready, but you smiled at me, and I forgot it, so pretend this is it!""I have nothing clever to say which, incidentally, strikes me as a clever way to say that I want to talk to you, but feel awkward in the attempt."
Watch out for a girl who replies yes, this could get weirder than you want. :)"You're pretty, wanna complicate my life?"
A bit too abrupt I'd think. Too many really easy rejections. and someone like me would interrogate you about how you are weird."I'm weird; if you're not, this is never going to work."
Easy to misunderstand. I'd be amused by "it's Tuesday! I had a dream I'd meet the girl of my dreams on Tuesday, are you her?""IT'S TUESDAY!" (on any day other than Tuesday)
ooh that's risky. do you want to know how she reacts to shit that soon? I can see getting slapped for that one. Or just bitchslapped down HARD."It takes more than a pretty face to get into my pants." (probably not the best, but it would shit-test her really quick!)
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Just. Build. The. Damn. Thing!
Spencer Miles wrote:I read the one for meeting girls... more poignant for me. I read the one for meeting men... I think that's called reconnaissance, as I am not interested in dudes :)
Maybe my $0.02 will help some fella and dame.
First, the concept of "Finding a good man" is frequent, and elicits much advice and sympathy whereas the concept of "finding a good woman" usually elicits some condemnation - accusatory questions regarding "what do YOU mean by good?". It would be good to address THAT.
Many men will hold a simplistic view of a woman - and many women will hold a simplistic view of a man - both making explicit and implicit claims to their own complexity, or "simplicity", with the ultimate result of no-one meeting their vague calculus of just what exactly constitutes "good". Perfect method of unrealistic expectations leading to a readiness to "fall" for the "one who says the right things". Love is not "falling" - it is climbing.
You can't con an honest man. Seriously - all con-jobs rely on the mark having some desire that can be magnified; absent that variable, cons don't work. Falling for the wrong one means walking blindly. I've done it. You probably have too.
Second, I would like to point out the "folksy" wisdom that gives me unending discomfort: YOU (I) attract. You (I) date where you're (I'm) at, you (I) attract what you are (rather, what compliments what you are). This is the rub.
Want a "good" man? Only "good" women get them. Want "respect"? Be respectABLE - demands are funny as they show the demander's mind, and are RARELY met. Want "real"? Honesty? Compassion? Stability (as though that isn't a myth for the fearful insurance customer)? Consistency? The mother of all factors: Self-Aware?
"He has to MAKE me laugh." - that is the most common thing I see on lists. Tell me, are you a shrew who demands the world entertain you - then complains that it frequently fails? That certainly sounds harsh (honesty does that) but - does your R.B.F. label you a person who frequently scowls? Yes, making a face long enough DOES stick - and the older you are, the easier it is to see your average mood by the lines well-worn.
Unless you paint yourself to look completely different than you are. Does that have an effect on the "reality" of the men you attract? Again, one praises honesty as long as it isn't honest. Lipstick, blush, and eyeshadow have biological components - scientifically speaking, wearing those three things tells the world that you're horny (blood rushes to the face, changing the color of the skin, lips, and eyes). Is this the message you intend to send? Yes? Fine. No? ....
A man who will not be happy, cannot be happy, and it is the result of his own mode. Ditto for women. The real pain in the ass is that "happiness" is not a goal - it's a feeling just like saddness or hunger - and is a result of uncoontrollable pressures. Being GENUINE however....
A "tough" person has to be tough, a "strong" person has to be strong, and a "happy" person has to be happy - EVEN WHEN REALITY ELICITS SOMETHING ELSE. A genuine person is free to experience all of the emotions - as they come - and TO LET THEM PASS when they are done.
In any case, I cannot speak for "men" as that would be to presume upon the peculiarities of nearly 4.5 Billion human beings. For me? Here is what I find attractive (enough to risk the pain of rejection, and the threat of a psychotic #METOO overreaction):
Femininity. Me man, you woman. If you're trying to convince me that you are me, I don't really have a need for you. I am masculine, this is my wheel-house, and it is my duty - you are feminine, it is your wheel-house, and yes, it is a duty.
Calm. How important is it? Does it need to be done RIGHT NOW?!?! Does it warrant an emotional outburst or lots of words, over and over and over? Probably not. This shows PERSPECTIVE.
Thoughtfulness. Feelings are externally indexed, reacting from them is easy and no-one ever had to learn how to react. Learning how to feel, and think - simultaneously... that's freaking hard, but it shows - and it shows character.
Loyalty. What? You don't like the thought of betrayal and excuses? Neither. Do. Men. (all of them). A woman with constant excuses or "reasons" for their behaviour is NOT attractive - she's dangerous. If you "want" me for my job - you'll leave when the job does, and so I find I have no interest. I am not a paycheck - like you making dinner out of love and genuine desire (feminine nurturing), I provide out of love and genuine desire (masculine provision). Sometimes you can't make the home warm, sometimes I can't pay the bills. That's life, and Loyalty says that PARTNER exists FOR THE BAD TIMES. We don't really "need" when everything is great do we? Loyalty to death - anything less is betrayal waiting to happen. Ride-Or-Die. It's the sine quo non of everything that matters.
No-List. A list of demands is a list of expectations - resentments - disappointment. Like the current list? No. If your list is "general character traits" then awesome! If your list is more tangible... what will happen if my 6'1" becomes 3'6" due to a wheelchair? Expect someone with no flaws to over-look all of yours? Like to talk about people who aren't around - because they "are" or "aren't"? Reality does not care about your desire, and will walk rough-shod over your feelings. What you "want" will forever be a list of what you don't have. This means genuine and adaptable - with strong loyalty.
Offer what is asked. Is trust earned? Not remotely; it is given and then either validated or betrayed. Is forgiveness earned? Good God No! Is sex a bargaining chip - to offer when pleased and withhold when miffed? Is "respect" given and taken based on the week's events? Ever say "nothing" when asked what's wrong - but demand "honesty" of your man? Yes, that is lying. Don't lie.
I could go on - but you get the idea. In a few words: A beautiful soul. It shows, better than L'Oreal. It makes a woman APPROACHABLE to me; it makes her face shine, and her eyes to provoke me to conquer a city if she wished it.
That's actually the point here - I am terrified of the power in my chest that appears should I fall in love (any man who isn't doesn't know himself). That's what I offer, and that's what I risk. That's what masculinity means as regarding romance. Do you believe that is a small thing - that it can be demanded and discarded on a whim? Then you are not for me. What do you offer in return?
What do you offer in return?
Yes, I can see ALL of this just by how a woman responds to my smile from across the smoke-deck.
Oh! Great-hips, long curls, and fingers like spiders-on-a-ball-of-yarn doesn't hurt... (like square shoulders and cut-up forearms do for women... yeah, I know about that.) - but for me, it's mostly in the honest smiling eyes.
Be what matches what you want.
At least, that's what would attract me.
Here are the ice-breakers I have considered, but have yet to try (All of them begin with 'Hi! I'm Spencer...') - ladies should comment on them:
"I was looking in my phone, and I didn't see your number - I don't see how this relationship is going to work if you don't give me your number"
"Why aren't you my girlfriend?" (I really want to try this one - it seems fun)
"Are you single?"
"I have nothing clever to say which, incidentally, strikes me as a clever way to say that I want to talk to you, but feel awkward in the attempt."
"You're pretty, wanna complicate my life?"
"I'm weird; if you're not, this is never going to work."
"IT'S TUESDAY!" (on any day other than Tuesday)
".... well, I said my name... I am relying on you to carry the conversation until I'm certain you aren't going to bite my head off or something..."
"I like plants and fuzzy creatures, but I try not to make a thing of it."
"It takes more than a pretty face to get into my pants." (probably not the best, but it would shit-test her really quick!)
"Are you interested in entering into negotiations for a lifetime contract?" (That one is pretty bad but, girls are weird so....)
"I'm scared of what you could do to me but, risk equals reward..." (honest, but I don't like it)
"You're pretty... that's it... that's all I've got."
Vote for the one that will cause YOU to meet your man.
You can see with only one eye open, but you'll probably run into things and stub your toe. The big picture matters.
Dale Hodgins wrote:Make sure that your hand where a ring would go, is visible. And don't have so many other rings that it might look like a wedding ring, to confuse the guy. The decent ones aren't going to pursue someone who looks like they're wearing a wedding ring. I've known single women who wear rings all over that hand and finger. And they say they're not trying to use it as repellent, they just like rings.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Spencer Miles wrote:Pearl - It is awesome that you got the impression that I actually try pick-up lines! I'm 35 and in Grad-School. Isolating... and I frequently see "women" (when I was 20, I thought I knew stuff too...) who don't get passed the reaction to my smile so... it's all academic (a pun). Last time I actually used a line was when I was 17 - it worked, and I messed it up by being 17.
In any case, thanks for the intel! Most of my "lines" are conjured with the idea of saying "I think you're pretty, but that would be ruined if you're a haggus, so... 1. are you single, 2. do you think I'm attractive and 3. are you a haggus?" - but not actually saying it 'cause, folk don't respond well to candor out-the-gate.
You seem friendly! If you really are "old enough to be [my] mother" then... do you have a daughter?
Besides, it isn't the sweater, it's what's underneath the swea... oh... wait, no, that's fine just... not the WHOLE point (like 25% of it)
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Pearl Sutton wrote:I don't have a clue. I guarantee it. I have been in more bad relationships than I care to think about.
Any wise women out there who want to help out the lost ladies?
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
You can see with only one eye open, but you'll probably run into things and stub your toe. The big picture matters.
Besides, it isn't the sweater, it's what's underneath the swea... oh... wait, no, that's fine just... not the WHOLE point (like 25% of it)
Just. Build. The. Damn. Thing!
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Sarah Koster wrote:Interesting point. In my this-can-never-happen-again efforts, I realized that the common point between all the guys who I had horrible relationships was, their mother abused, neglected and/or abandoned them. I tend to only be interested in extremely emotionally intense relationships where the man initiates. But when they're doing this because they have mommy issues and are terrified of being abandoned, there's problems. I believe the reason I don't see the red flags is, I was "raised" by parents who were neglected and abused by their mothers/my grandmothers. I was raised to compensate for mommy issues of my then alcoholic parents. So I make every effort to smooth things over, make things work, and de-escalate anxiety and conflict. It seems that the healthier females pick their mate, and aren't picked by him, so that may be a problem I need to address as well, my complacency and overwillingness to humor people. I don't want to be a minion/gopher/retainer/familiar but it seems to be the role I fall into most easily, and lemme tell you, the people who want that in a romantic partners are evil bastards. THEY only want to be served and obeyed and admired, but I eventually get disillusioned and "rebellious" which is when the locking-in-attics and physical abuse seem to start.
I wanna know how they can spot me so easily. I mean there aren't really that many dudes who were abandoned by their mother, are there? And they don't all turn into paranoid, possessive woman-beaters, right? I mean like why? wwwwhhhhhhyyyyyyy i just want to go out with someone who likes trees but doesn't want to keep me under lock and key. it shouldn't be this hard.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Nicole Alderman wrote:Gotta say, my husband is a recovered addict. In the whole time we've been dating/married, he's never touched any of the substances. That means he's been clean for 14 years. It probably helps that I've never drank/smoked/done-any-drugs and have no inclination to. Many people can obviously drink responsibly... but it probably will never work out to have a recovered addict with a responsible drinker.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that addiction is a disease. It's like many diseases (such as Crohn's) that you can keep in remission. But, it's never gone. And you mess up, and you're back out of remission.
So, my advice would be to exercise extreme caution with recovered addicts, and to not get involved unless you're willing to support them by not drinking. But, still, I don't think everyone needs to rule them out entirely.
Dale Hodgins wrote:Get him to explain what went wrong in his last relationship. Some things are acceptable. ...
But if he tells you that she was ...
... I don't care if those addiction issues stopped 80 years ago, I am done at that point. I think people being in recovery is just fine, but let them date other people who are in recovery.
Nicole Alderman wrote:Gotta say, my husband is a recovered addict. In the whole time we've been dating/married, he's never touched any of the substances. That means he's been clean for 14 years. It probably helps that I've never drank/smoked/done-any-drugs and have no inclination to. Many people can obviously drink responsibly... but it probably will never work out to have a recovered addict with a responsible drinker.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that addiction is a disease. It's like many diseases (such as Crohn's) that you can keep in remission. But, it's never gone. And you mess up, and you're back out of remission.
So, my advice would be to exercise extreme caution with recovered addicts, and to not get involved unless you're willing to support them by not drinking. But, still, I don't think everyone needs to rule them out entirely.
They believe it's a spiritual thing, I believe it's a social reinforcement thing, but either way, many seem to be effectively cured. Go Jesus!
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
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Dale Hodgins wrote: some of the guys that are somehow able to find a girlfriend. I wonder where is he finding women who will accept someone of this caliber?
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Roberto pokachinni wrote:Just so everyone knows, I'm a long way from not being an introvert. I am working on it... just as I was going to head up to her to chat, two other goddesses in the same realm walked over to her. It was apparently too much for me to connect with... There is an overwhelming closing-in feeling that doesn't feel as though it can be challenged.
Yes, you are probably right there. Introversion is a genetic trait that we are born with, but it should be added that most people are not introverted or extraverted; They have some levels of both depending on the setting that they find themselves framed in in any given moment and these elements within this spectrum do tend to change somewhat throughout a person's life. That's what the modern studies seem to say. People can have more or less introverted tendencies, but they are generally not just introverted. It's more of a spectrum issue, rather than one of Black and White, This or That. Here's an article about this from Psychology Today ; I think of it more of something like Aspbergers. There are so many different levels of it, that it's really hard to nail down to a set definition.This situation you describe, along with your feelings about it, and the fact that you keep talking about fear really makes me think that what you're talking about is social anxiety.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
I thought you said "pie." This is just a tiny ad
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