God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
Satamax Antone wrote:Stacy, have you checked tadelakt?
Staci Kopcha wrote:Update: I went straight to the "big guns" and asked Erica Wisner.
She suggested trying some wet pottery clay.
I will get some tomorrow and begin processing. And then back to batch tests, phase 2.
Staci Kopcha wrote:
Dan Hatfield Ii wrote:Hi Staci,
I used air separated fire clay that came from a ceramics place. I believe the stuff you may be able to get hold of is called "lincoln 60 fireclay"
I used the potter's fireclay without any issue.
I havn't sealed it yet so it's dusty (but very hard)
I need to find something to seal with that will not change the colour.
Lindseed will darken it.
Hi Dan,
I have been using Lincoln 60. Not happily.
Erica Wisner (author of one of the RMH books) was speaking of Lincoln 60 and of another type of fire clay (more potters type)..maybe that is what you had?
You have dust- but does do you have sand sloughing off?
Just a tiny bit of dust comes off.
The clay I used is a local company and not lincoln 60. I did go on the lincoln 60 website and looked and the contents of the clay (silica etc. blah blah I have no clue) and the guy at my ceramics shop said they were the same thing kind of.
Mine worked fine.
As for sealing, I have read (and planned to do it) that it can be rubbed with natural soap- glycerin type. I think you just rub the bar around on the plaster. Wouldn't work on mine though- with the crumbles. ;)
Might be something to try...?
Satamax Antone wrote:Stacy, have you checked tadelakt?
Silence is Golden
For all your RMH needs:
Staci Kopcha wrote:
Satamax Antone wrote:Stacy, have you checked tadelakt?
Have you any experience making it?
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
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dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Silence is Golden
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God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
Satamax Antone wrote:Stacy, get yourself an ash bucket like this
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
Silence is Golden
For all your RMH needs:
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
Gerry Parent wrote:You could say it 'brownifies' everything. It is a hardening oil so it gives a solidness to the surface which takes quite a bit of abuse. It also makes the surface water resistant.
A little info on other types of oils: Drying oils
Satamax Antone wrote:Hi Staci.
Is your cleanout under a chimney which was in use before?
Because i find your ashes a bit dark.
Silence is Golden
For all your RMH needs:
Staci Kopcha wrote:
Satamax Antone wrote:Hi Staci.
Is your cleanout under a chimney which was in use before?
Because i find your ashes a bit dark.
Hi Satamax,
I will look into the other type -ash separator. Maybe I could fix this one up to work with another vacuum...? I should have a year to figure it out.
It was a brand new chimney. Should ashes be lighter? There are also flakes of black- it that early creosote build up??
If ash is too dark, would that mean incomplete burn? Trying to learn for this year.
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
You are welcome to check out my blog at http://www.theartisthomestead.com or my artwork at http://www.davidhuang.org
David Huang wrote:
Regarding the annual clean out of built up ash I just made a post on my blog documenting the various things I tried as I'm working to learn what will be the best way for me to do this, as well as showing pictures of how much build up I had and where it was located in the system. It might be of interest to some here. https://theartisthomestead.com/being-a-chimney-sweep-with-a-rocket-mass-heater/
.Eric Hammond wrote:Bahaha I still haven't finished mine, you've definitely surpassed me and I started first. I had wondered about the final seal as being paraffin wax melted onto the surface with a heat gun. Has anyone tried this? This idea came to me when my wife exploded beeswax all over the kitchen and concrete floor. The only way to spread it and get it off was a heat gun and it put a pretty nice sealer all over.the floor! I dont have enough beeswax to cover the bench but paraffin is reasonably priced?
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