Sometimes the answer is nothing
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Idle dreamer
Living a life that requires no vacation.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
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When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
-Avatar Aang
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sortof-almost-off-grid in South Africa:
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Dennis Mitchell wrote:Everybody I know eats crap. When I don’t eat crap I’m a social outcast.
Jennifer Richardson wrote:That is a great point. “Straight” produce on the ranch has gone from being a delightful luxury to something of a psychological burden since many of my plants began producing at levels I can’t keep up with. I spent a period of time grimly staring down my eighth or tenth grapefruit or summer squash of the day, every day, but ultimately couldn’t sustain it.
Jay Angler wrote:I also back up what others said - if you're eating healthy veggies grown in healthy soil, and are physically active, don't worry about adding some of the things you're craving like fats and salt.
Still able to dream.
Jennifer Richardson wrote:So, shameful confession time: I grow and hunt/forage a lot of food. Actually I grow a huge surplus of food in terms of calories per person per year, not just for me but for my family and friends, but probably only 30-50% of my actual diet (in terms of calories) consists of this food. It is good food—a lot of it is great food—and I really like it.
But very often I would rather go eat Mexican or Chinese food (or Thai or Japanese if I can get it) in town, or buy different, more interesting things at the grocery store. I can cook good Mexican or Thai or Japanese food, but it’s not the same. Part of it is an opportunity to get out of the house and relax and not have to cook, and maybe meet my mom or a friend and visit. Part of it is novelty, although even when there’s a good variety of stuff in season on the ranch, I often don’t want to be bothered. Some of it is maybe seasonal oversupply of certain foods, and then I get sick of them. A lot of it is convenience. Some of it is probably food addictions; if I have cheesy fatty salty floury sugary stuff in town, I want more cheesy fatty salty floury sugary stuff. But whatever it is, I get sort of bored and restless and dissatisfied with everything I have growing and/or in the pantry/fridge, and end up wanting to go get other food, even if it’s kind of crappy. It’s sort of a form of relaxation and maybe even entertainment.
Pretty much the only reason I’m not worse is that I’m on a pretty severe budget and so I can’t afford to eat out a lot or buy a lot of prepared foods, but usually this just means that I use up my allotted food money in the first half of the month and then spend the second half resentfully eating cheap food from my garden/pantry while longing desperately to go sit down with a cold glass of iced tea and a restaurant meal. I thought growing and preserving my own food would be a bigger challenge than eating it, but turns out I was wrong.
Does anyone else have this issue, or are you all as delighted to prepare and subsist on the lovely, nutritious, non-toxic, free food you grow as I feel like I should be? Any suggestions for breaking this cycle?
I know this is like the ultimate first world problem. I feel like a tool even typing this. Nonetheless it is a perennial problem for me, and costly in terms of money and probably health, so I would welcome any insight.
Live your own dream, let nothing stop you.
Examine your lifestyle, multiply it by 7.7 billion other ego-monkeys with similar desires and query whether that global impact is conscionable.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
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….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
liven in the dry dry desert
Supa Cali fragaaa listic expi allllllllaaa DOCIOUS..