Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Cargo bikes are cool
Mike Barkley flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Although nutritious, whey is more like a dairy byproduct. Please add a 2nd dairy product.
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Cargo bikes are cool
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
He whai take kore noa anō te kupu mēnā mā nga mahi a te tangata ia e kōrero / His words are nothing if his works say otherwise
Mike Haasl approved this submission.
A wop bop a lu bob a womp bam boom. Tutti frutti ad:
A rocket mass heater heats your home with one tenth the wood of a conventional wood stove