Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Ryan M Miller wrote:I would use wooden palletes if I could find them, but I'm trapped in an isolated sub division surrounded by busy roads and no sidewalks; I have no driver's license or car to get myself out of the house; and I'm stuck living with my parents. I guess this really is a hopeless cause for me after all. Even if you were just trying to help, I have way too many food allergies to rely only supermarket food. I can't east most processed foods because they almost always have dairy, peanuts, or gluten. Even if you're trying to be helpful, I will be stuck the entire year without any source of hope for the future. I'm stuck at home pursuing a miserable college degree since my past degree turned out to be worthless and I couldn't join any religious communities because of my medical restrictions. Now I'm going to be forced to work third shift in a busy medical laboratory for the rest of my life since nobody will hire me for any other job right now.
I was hoping that if I could build a larger garden, I could prepare for actually owning a homestead if there is no other alternative for me in life. I guess I'll be stuck being a wage slave the rest of my life.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
A piece of land is worth as much as the person farming it.
-Le Livre du Colon, 1902
“All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Forever creating a permaculture paradise!
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
D Nikolls wrote:How needed, is needed?
Can you get pallets?
When I was gardening in the side yard of an apartment, I built a ~40x4 raised bed with pallet-wood. I used half cheap topsoil and half compost to fill it, after cutting and flipping the extremely compacted sod below with a beefy thrift-store kitchen knife.
I have been surprised at how well pallets will last, used this way; I try and avoid the very lightweight ones unless I can ID them as pine. It can be bloody labour intensive, but sometimes one gets lucky and scores pallets built tightly enough to just use as is, or after trimming down.
Nicole Alderman wrote:I'm looking at your video, and I'm seeing some resources you could maybe use to make garden beds. There's some big ol' trees that fell down. Those make nice garden boarders--a lot of my boarders are small tree trunks laid down on the ground, or rounds of wood one after another....
...I'm sure your neighbors probably would like the broken remains of their trees off their property, and might be happy with you hauling it off. If you have a chainsaw, you--or your dad--could use it. I used a hand saw on smaller logs and branches, because I don't feel comfortable using a chainsaw.
All those leaves on the trees look like nice mulch, either for above ground around transplants/perennials, or in a lasagna style garden bed....
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Permies is awesome!!!
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:
In the meantime, while you find a way to get your planting area sorted, what have you done about getting seeds planted and germinating in pots?
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Carol Denton wrote:Have you considered building an arched trellis? They have become very popular lately, not only because they are extremely functional, but also because they look great. Roots and Refuge on has a youtube video that shows how to make one for thirty or so dollars. I couldn't get it to link here, but you can find it on youtube, and probably other videos that show the same thing. I actually put up three a few weeks ago with some old cattle panels someone gave me. It was easy and fun.
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Pearl Sutton wrote:A weird, sideways thought: If part of the parameters for your garden beds are they have to look perfect, due to your father's restrictions, is there a neighbor who wants a garden (older lady perhaps?) who wouldn't put those restrictions on you? Or better yet, who has one, that she can't deal with and would love to have you do the work, and make sure she gets some fresh stuff out of the deal?
Personally, I have only edged one garden bed in my life, and after one season, I removed the edging. I make a ridge of dirt along the edge, and that's it. I think not working within your father's parameters might help your stress level too, I know working within other people's rules stresses me out badly when their rules conflict with what I feel is correct.
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Ryan M Miller wrote: My father told me that I'm not allowed to garden at all this year.
My father insists that I work in a hospital laboratory...
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
Forever creating a permaculture paradise!
James Freyr wrote:I don't know how old you are...
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Check out the Food Forest Card Game:
Karl Treen wrote:
If you love plants, gardening will help you feel better. Find a community garden, or you can take up landscaping if you don't want to work in a lab. There is good money in mowing lawns and cutting bushes if you do it right. To start, simply borrow a lawnmower and put up some flyers. If you're ambitious enough, you can easily earn $200-a-day mowing lawns. Then you can afford to shop at the farmer's market if you're living at home and earning that kind of money. You might also find someone who wants help with their garden.
Best wishes and stay well!
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
Check out the Food Forest Card Game:
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
He was expelled for perverse baking experiments. This tiny ad is a model student:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies