I'm not doing as much crafting this year (it's a busy year!), but I did just finish up a
wool hot pad for my kids' teacher. She loves the Phineas and Ferb TV show, so I put the platypus from the show on the
oven mitt! (I need to get a better picture of it in the daylight, but for now, this will do.)
I also plan on making a
needle-felted figure as a present.
I love that there's so many PEP badges that make excellent gifts. Just looks at the textile badge, over the years, I've
felted pouches,
made a leather-bound notebook,
knite/felted mittens (I just realized I knit two pairs of mittens this year, and never took any pictures, because I'd thought I'd already completed that BB. ACK!),
sewed a small pillow,
wove a basket,
knit hats and
and scarves and
and a baby blanket,
sewed an apron,
made a leather satchel.
A lot of these BBs just take a few hours, and you gain skills in the process. There's been a few years where everyone got a
pouch, or scarf, or hat, or oven mitt, or needle felted figure, and I got really good at those crafts after a while.