BRK Post 98
We made a long day out of our day off. About fifteen of us got up early and drove over to Missoula for the farmers market.
Most of the veggie growers had late spring crops but there were a few vendors with other things for sale.
I got some Chestnut
mushrooms and a big block of sawdust myceliated with Lions Mane. And I walked around with this ten pound cube with a big smile.
We came back with a big haul of veggies for this week's meals. Then went for a swim in the river. It is still on the cold side but it is very refreshing to be in the
Patrick and a bunch of helpers made a huge dinner for everyone. Patrick brought lamb he raises and wheat from his own
land. Everything was great.
I spent the last hour and a half walking the upper slopes of basecamp getting some observation time in. I might have found some soil that has some fungal threads in it, I'll need to test it. Most everything else was thin, poor dirt over rock. It's going to be a challenge to design this site.