BRK Post 72
Spent the morning slicing down grass with a sickle. Only gave myself two small cuts.
While I was chopping, I noticed many bugs using the tips of the grass as
shelter from the rain. Even when I poked them they didn't budge.
Also while I was chopping, Waldo attacked me. Here's how it went...
Waldo: (chilling on the
Me (looking at him)
Waldo: Meow Meow (trots overs meowing)
Me: (Bends over to cut more grass)
Waldo: (Jumps onto my shoulders from behind, gets comfortable)
I've never picked Waldo up, but I have seen pictures of him riding Josiah. I think he wanted a dry place to sit and saw me as a possibility. It really surprised me.
Good news, the strawberries are putting on more flowers. I'm looking forward to preserving a bunch.
Up by the
greenhouse, I've got the second handle done and I'm working on a solution to sealing up the gap around the handle shaft. Felt like the hours flew by and I was working at a snail's pace. I put the handles on and tried the latch out. The handles are so heavy they are making the latch slow to close. I'm going to have to increase the tension on the spring arms tomorrow.