Sorry about that Kyle, I'm the first renter in this case... I just ordered (
should get it Tuesday this week) an electric chainsaw and batteries/charger, and if you're interested we can knock out a couple of things at the same time-I can break in the chainsaw cutting down those
trees in your way to clear a path up to your site. I think there's a woodland skip badge bit or two for that, and we can either peel them for use or buck and split them for
firewood next year. I'm hoping to fell multiple trees this month, cut them to lengths for posts and beams, and give them some time to dry out before building with them next spring, and also hope to split at least a cord (preferably 2) of firewood, to also let it season in this case 15+ months. I have an axe, bow saw, and draw knife already. If that's of interest just let me know.