BRK Post (
The Answer to Everything)
Rainy here today, got some
gardening done this morning. Seems like there is always more little tasks to get to.
I checked on the beds I seeded last week, only saw two little sprouts, going to give it another week before I call them a lost cause and seed again. Spent time nipping out more grass and cutting back snowberry.
Then planted the eastern side of the
berm with potatoes. That particular berm is mostly low attention gardening so those can spread as much as they want.
I found some
dragon tongue and scarlet runner beans so I planted a handful of them in the upper part of my berm. I've seen a few peas coming up but I want more peas and beans there.
The whole morning it was cold and raining on us. We all got a lot done then spent a bit of time warming up in the library before parting ways for lunch.
For the afternoon I put up another shelf in the kitchen to help organize and keep the counters clear. I used more long carriage bolts going through the shelf and secured to the shelf above. I made this shelf adjustable, it has about an inch of travel to fit extra tall stuff in the future if needed.
So long and thanks for all the pie!