SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Mike Jay wrote:Other possible challenges:
Sign up a friend to be an ant or boot Cook dinner for 10 ants (or if there are 5, cook twice) Get 50 fruit/nut trees established Establish enough growies to eat off the land for 1 week Safely preserve a decent amount of 6 kinds of food in two or more ways (drying, canning, smoking, ???)
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Idle dreamer
Added to pledge list.
Tom, I added your pledge and added many of your items to the list.
M Johnson wrote:I’ll do $75 to plant the antonovca Apple seeds I sent Paul. Wherever Paul wants them. There are a lot so not expecting seed balls or anything, just sticking them in the ground where they have a chance, with reasonable spacing knowing that alot wont take. But if you plant 500 seeds and get 10% to take, there would be a lot of awesome Apple trees.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
M Johnson wrote:I can send more too...what’s your theory on them making it? 1%?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
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Sometimes the answer is nothing
This one is for Paul and so you'll need to work it out with him.
Adam Blacksheep wrote:I'm kind of confuse as to what's going on at that members of the website are paying people at Wheaton labs to get projects done over there?
I've added your pledge, R.
and then I'll arrange for transfer of funds/delivery of goods.
Mike Jay wrote:Successfully brood a batch of chicks under a hen/duck/turkey
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Kerry Rodgers wrote:
and then I'll arrange for transfer of funds/delivery of goods.
Bill, can you elaborate on how that will work? In the past (e.g. Gapper Love, Ant Love, ...), some people needed/wanted other stuff more than money. Maybe they didn't have a (working) bank account, or hated paypal, or were at the Labs to escape consumerism and didn't want it back in, or didn't want to spend their limited time on the 'net shopping, or ... or ... Probably some residents would like a reward of better food, but getting that requires a rare trip to town, with maybe doesn't fit on the Boot schedule very well. (Or maybe it does. I haven't seen.)
I think there've been some features added to the Permies platform that might support micropayments. So question is somewhat about that.
But also, question is about getting truly wanted stuff into residents' hands. Me, I have no special access to antique tools, and I can't come there and cook a meal. I only have Amazon and electronic cash transfer services, and those haven't seemed to be the most wanted, most helpful, most motivating items so far.
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
Dominic Crolius wrote:Lead acid batteries suck. The price is very high. They are disposable after about 7-10 years. They are full of toxic materials like lead and emit toxic gases. They also require gentle care and the slightest snafu will destroy all of them. I have done a bit of research into the Thomas Edison nickel iron batteries. They seem low tech, safe, cheaper, and they get better with age. I worked on the railroad and they had some from the land before time that still did a great job. (I'm guessing 40's) They lose charge quicker than lead acid, but if it lasts for a hundred years does it matter? Holy crap are they heavy, but they can be treated like crap and still work wonderfully. Some of the methods used to make nickel iron batteries seem doable. I have seen folks on youtube making tiny versions only. I have read the few posts on permies regarding them. Great reading, but the only options seemed to be Edison batteries, the commercial route. $1k for a 12 volt 100 amp Edison. One of the biggest costs would appear to be nickel at first glance. I do pottery and powdered nickel is not very expensive. I would put 200 toward a good how to video or a horrible failure with lots of expletives.
As a lover of all things conspiracy I'm guessing the Exide company stopped making these batteries because they lasted too long. It didn't work with our planned obsolescence society. Enter the compact fluorescent.
Helpful reading if you choose to accept this challenge:
I meant to add I think this would make a great kickstarter. I imagine people from all over the world would be interested in throwing their money at you for making a documented attempt at a large battery bank for Wheaton Labs.
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
And added! - Thanks, Kerry!
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Josh, your challenges have been added.
For the monetary plegdes, instead of us holding the pledge, we ask that the folks issuing the challenge hold it until the artifact is created/completed. Once things meet the indvidual's criteria, I'll ensure the pledge is still there and available.
For the chestnuts please send them to the mailing address for Wheaton Labs.
c/o paul wheaton
2120 s reserve #351
missoula, mt 59801
I'm still not sure I get the biological reverse kickstarter concept here.
Kerry, great explanation - we may steal that! have an apple!
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Nick Dimitri wrote:What's a boot? Or what kind of Who is a boot? I'm not even exactly sure what a Kickstarter is either...? Then to biologically reverse one??? I can guess a kickstarter is a crowd-funding site? If so I got an idea ... or a wish for posterity. Either way, it's clear we need to make more oxygen and sequester more carbon as while "global warming" supplanted Ozone Layer loss in the media, doubtless it's still and likely is more an issue today, than way back when the ball was dropped. Microalgae is the fastest growing plant in the world, so then fastest at making oxygen and sequestering carbon. Can be grown to become lipid (fat, oil) heavy, fed to cars, animals and to have a respectable EFA profile for human consumption, better than fish oils too (important):
We can grow microalgae within a closed photobioreactor so water medium is not lost to evaporation. Then grown on non-arable desertified land algae wont displace food crop land for land to grow fuel crops. In North America algae was more often grown for machine fuel.
A photobioreactor can be made of glass or food grade plastic, as i've been schooled on elsewhere here, to eliminate leaching from desert heat. Then angled to catch the sun and have solar powered lights on inside to maximize photosynthesis. If this were done on scale it would make O2 & CO2 on scale.
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
Molly, your pledge has been added. Very awesome!
Ask me about food.
How Works (lots of useful links)
Julia, your pledge has been added. Hope I got it right!
Nicole Alderman wrote:I'd love to see pictures of your dragon eggs, Molly! Perhaps I should add a matching felted dragon for the lending library...
And done! Thank you, Kyle!
To lead a tranquil life, mind your own business and work with your hands.
And added, Amanda! That is an awesome thing to do!
Kerry Rodgers wrote:Joshua, I love your offer, especially since it has rewards that are non-currency!
I'm still not sure I get the biological reverse kickstarter concept here.
Here's what I've gathered:
It is "kickstarter" because it is crowd funding.
It is "reverse" because the sponsors (rather than the creators) are pitching the projects.
It is "biological" because Bill is personally running it, as opposed to algorithms running in a datacenter.
Possibly the term was defined in the referenced podcast. I've fallen behind on the podcasts, now that I don't have a long commute anymore.
I think your offer is right on!
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Molly Kay wrote:
Nicole Alderman wrote:I'd love to see pictures of your dragon eggs, Molly! Perhaps I should add a matching felted dragon for the lending library...
That would be awesome, Nicole!