To document this BB, post pictures or a 2-minute
video depicting the following:
Before: Four Dirty Windows
Action 1: Your glass cleaner, with a description
Action 2: You cleaning windows
After: Four Clean Windows!
So cleaning 4 windows in -15C to try and get your nest sand badge today is REAL fun! I had so spray a small area and wipe really fast! I also went over the window a second time with a small piece of paper towel to do the touch ups and remove excess moisture (which I then saved as fire starter) . Note: if you see opaque red blotches on the french door window panes its
wood stain from the previous owners doing the trim around the doors, that I can't get off :(
Kitchen French Doors 1 & 2 (Left = dirty & right = clean)

Gazebo Window: (Left = dirty, middle = clean, right = clean)

Front Door ( Left = dirty , right = clean) (I do apologize on this photo, it looks like it's streaky but the fire place is right beside it and the humidity kept building for the clean photo despite wiping it and taking a photo immediately!)

- 2/3 water
- 1/3 white vinegar
- 1
tsp peppermint dr.bronners soap
Action shot: