$1 level (THANKS)
New microdoc about berm shed
17-podcast review of Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway
PEP ebook rough draft
19 skiddable structures microdoc (4 gift codes)
Wofati microdoc (4 gift codes)
Rocket Oven Cooking microdoc (4 gift codes)
Hugelkultur microdoc (4 gift codes)
Cool public thanks
$5 (CANDY)
One copy of the Better World ebook (gift code)
Full movie “Ponds” from the World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set
Full movie “Wild Edibles” (4 gift codes)
Access to the Secret Inner Circle forum on
+ Everything in THANKS
$10 level (MOVIE)
The movie! Zero-Energy Greywater Greenhouse in Montana (HD streaming)
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$25 level: (EARLY)
Part 1, Design, released in September 2020 (HD streaming)
Part 2, Build, released in November 2020 (HD streaming)
Part 3, Test, released in May 2021 (HD streaming)
Tiny download (SD) of the completed movie in May 2021
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$50 level: (BUILD)
The formal plans with dimensions, diagrams, etc. (if Kyle agrees)
View at least three full design meetings
View a formal weekly build review session with the builders
HD download of the completed movie in May 2021
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$100 level (GLORY)
Your most creative name in the final movie
Participate remotely in at least three design meetings
Participate remotely with the builders in a formal weekly build review session (Fridays)
Participate remotely in one-hour informal walkthroughs (Mondays and Wednesdays)
Participate remotely in a tour of Allerton Abbey and its gardens (September harvest 2020)
Participate remotely in a tour of Allerton Abbey and its gardens (June 2021)
3 gift codes for the final movie (HD streaming)
$100 gapper fee waived - you can come participate in a future build
A chance to be one of 3 people selected to participate in this build
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
New microdoc about berm shed
17-podcast review of Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway
PEP ebook rough draft
19 skiddable structures microdoc (4 gift codes)
Wofati microdoc (4 gift codes)
Rocket Oven Cooking microdoc (4 gift codes)
Hugelkultur microdoc (4 gift codes)
Cool public thanks
$5 (CANDY)
One copy of the Better World ebook (gift code)
Full movie “Ponds” from the World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set
Full movie “Wild Edibles” (4 gift codes)
Access to the Secret Inner Circle forum on
+ Everything in THANKS
$10 (MOVIE)
The movie! Zero-Energy Greywater Greenhouse in Montana (HD streaming)
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$25 (EARLY)
Part 1, Design, released in September 2020 (HD streaming)
Part 2, Build, released in November 2020 (HD streaming)
Part 3, Test, released in May 2021 (HD streaming)
Tiny download (SD) of the completed movie in May 2021
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$50 (BUILD)
The formal plans with dimensions, diagrams, etc. (we would like to offer this, but need to discuss it with Kyle first)
View at least three full design meetings
View a formal weekly build review session with the builders
HD download of the completed movie in May 2021
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$100 (GLORY)
Your most creative name in the final movie
Participate remotely in at least three design meetings
Participate remotely with the builders in a formal weekly build review session (Fridays)
Participate remotely in one-hour informal walkthroughs (Mondays and Wednesdays)
Participate remotely in a tour of Allerton Abbey and its gardens (September harvest 2020)
Participate remotely in a tour of Allerton Abbey and its gardens (June 2021)
3 gift codes for the final movie (HD streaming)
$100 gapper fee waived - you can come participate in a future build
A chance to be one of 3 people selected to participate in this build
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$150 (ROCKET)
Better Wood Heat Rocket Mass Heater 8-DVD Set (HD streaming gift code)
Rocket Ovens DVD (HD streaming gift code)
+Everything in GLORY
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
$200 (PDC AND ATC)
100 Hours of PDC (HD streaming gift code)
77 Hours of ATC (HD streaming gift code)
+Everything in ROCKET
+Everything in GLORY
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
Your most creative name listed with a limited number of names in a big font on a screen just for goofballs in the final movie
+Everything in PDC AND ATC
+Everything in ROCKET
+Everything in GLORY
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
Get your name burned in a log of the greenhouse
Associate Producer credit in the final movie
+Everything in PDC AND ATC
+Everything in ROCKET
+Everything in GLORY
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
Executive Producer credit in the final movie
+Everything in PDC AND ATC
+Everything in ROCKET
+Everything in GLORY
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
Supreme Executive Producer with Bacon, Cheese, and Sparkles credit in the final movie
+Everything in PDC AND ATC
+Everything in ROCKET
+Everything in GLORY
+ Everything in BUILD
+ Everything in EARLY
+ Everything in MOVIE
+ Everything in CANDY
+ Everything in THANKS
Jennifer Richardson wrote:Paul and I spent a long time yesterday working on the rewards list to try to make it really awesome. Here is what we've come up with so far:
What do you think?
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
~ Permaculture is enriching...Farming... is just scratching the surface ~
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Ash Jackson wrote:First off: I love it; I get it; I'm in for Glory™.
Now I'm gonna poke at the kickstarter itself a bit (hopefully constructively).
Lead up: How does one month of lead-time compare to your other kickstarters? In my ignorance I'm concerned whether one month is enough time for pre-marketing for it to be as smashing a success as I hope it to be. I see it as a question of, "how many hurdles can you clear?" My understanding is there are currently a couple of extra hurdles for kickstarters in general.
Candy: BWB KS shows you have a really good handle on this, in my opinion. And a great deal of generosity. Not sure I can add anything, except to offer My PEP Badge Tracker as a potential freebie on the pile of freebies.
Title: The Always-Warm Greenhouse in Montana Experiment (Movie) [56 char]
Script: General Ideas
- Borrowing from the BWB video, I'd consider skipping over the details of the design and experiments. I think it's sufficient to say something like "I have devious plots to improve this."
- Maybe you think the details are necessary to move people from "that's bullshit" to "well duh." If so, then perhaps the script says that outright. "I know what you're thinking... An always-warm greenhouse in Montana?" to lead into the nitty-gritty.
- 'It's an experiment!': I think the script should say this, loud and up front. It's an exciting thing to me to fund {an experiment.} Come to think of it, it's several simultaneous experiments.
- 'But you get the video regardless of whether the experiment succeeds or "fails"!' {I think should be said, too.}
Script: My try. [concurrent video cues in brackets]
Hi! I'm Paul Wheaton; and this is my 9th Kickstarter. [collage of kickstarters, ending with BWB atop the pile.]
One big challenge to building a better world in your backyard is answering the question, "How do I deal with my Greywater, responsibly and safely?" [turn to BWB page 94-96, then quickly cut to pics of greywater garden in sunny place]
"In the winter? In Montana? Or any other cold climate?" [show pic(s) of snow-swept, frozen landscape.]
The answer; is a greenhouse. But not just any greenhouse. [collage of Oehler greenhouse with markups, other schematics]
An experimental greenhouse, incorporating devious designs nobody has tried yet, to ensure the greenhouse is always warm, even in the harshest Montana Winter. [quick cut back to snowy landscape]
(insert "I know what you're thinking...An always-warm greenhouse in Montana?" and design details here, if necessary)
As with any good experiment, we're going to log and record and document the heck out of this. Including making a movie of the entire process. [collage of logging thermometers, graph paper, sciencey things]
That's where you come in. [faceless cutout, labeled "YOU", with thought bubble, "Me?"]
Your help will fund not only building this experimental always-warm greywater greenhouse; but the thorough documentation of the design, building, data logging, stumbles, and successes. ["me?" person successively surrounded in images of the documentation example list]
Regardless of whether my devious designs create the greenhouse of my dreams, you'll get a movie showing the whole process from start to finish. [atop collage of documentation images, video snippet of Paul in labcoat]
While the greenhouse is an experiment, the movie documenting the greenhouse is not. [orderly laying out of all DVD's]
I've successfully funded and delivered N movies, and several of those amidst huge hurdles and comedy.
This time, we have our seasoned Wheaton Labs video crew ready to go. [cutouts of Josiah and Jen and video equipment]
And a bootcamp full of people, hungry to build this experimental greenhouse. [cutouts Paul & Fred and boots et al (i.e. everyone) join Josiah and Jen, a veritable crowd of people]
After sharing this idea in my Better World Book and on my podcast, it seems that a LOT of people want me to shift my priorities and do this project NOW! [new crowd, chanting now! now! now!]
So much so that they are waving fistfuls of cash in my general direction. [fistfuls of cash]
This is the big kickstarter question. Is there enough interest in solving this problem of responsible greywater processing during the Montana winter to fund a movie documenting the experiments and solutions? [fade to black]
Please borrow, steal, or ignore as needed.
{edits in squiggles}
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Kate Downham wrote:I might have something for the earlybird freebies - who do I contact?
we might start the work in early august - an excellent time to do that sort of work. We expect the build to take four weeks. And then we need to test the temperatures over the winter. So the final movie could be available sometime in march.
Julie Reed wrote:
Or are you not using anything to charge the mass under the umbrella? Also (as has been mentioned), it seems a 1” pipe in a well casing is way too small to provide the air flow needed... does Missoula even get enough sun in mid winter to ‘power’ that?
Your friend isn't always right and your enemy isn't always wrong.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Phil Swindler wrote:
Julie Reed wrote:
Or are you not using anything to charge the mass under the umbrella? Also (as has been mentioned), it seems a 1” pipe in a well casing is way too small to provide the air flow needed... does Missoula even get enough sun in mid winter to ‘power’ that?
Charging the mass - good point. May work better after a year of letting the system run.
1" pipe - sounds like a good opportunity to experiment. Maybe different size pipe in the 2 casings. Or maybe different number of pipes in the 2 casings.
Does Missoula even get enough sun - more pipe would mean more light absorbed. That's where my thought on different extensions would come into play.
Permaculture...picking the lock back to Eden since 1978.
Pics of my Forest Garden
paul wheaton wrote:The plan is to put in two of the pipes. Maybe one can be one inch and one can be 1.5 inches. And then if drop a thermometer 20 feet down, we can see which pipe is warmer at the bottom.
Greg Martin wrote:
You may also find that the Earth's mass just keeps pulling the heat away such that it's hard to charge it up too much. But there may be a bigger benefit, which is you will create a syphon which will suck the cold air from the air drop down into the 20' pipes where the cold will then be pulled away by the Earth's heat. In that way there will never be cold air accumulating in the greenhouse. You can always cover the black end of the pipe to see if the temperature of the earth at the bottom of the pipes actually heats up or if it works by pulling away the cold (maybe some of both).
If using the Earth's heat to pull away the cold does the trick then you might want to have the pipe go through solar heated thermal mass like Willow Wonka's lovely trombe wall. That way it will keep pulling at night when heat loss is the worst....that cold air will then just keep getting sucked down the pipes where the cold will get sucked into the earth.
Nails are sold by the pound, that makes sense.
Soluna Garden Farm -- Flower CSA -- plants, and cut flowers at our Boston Public Market location, Boston, Massachusetts.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Like a 2' culvert...
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
paul wheaton wrote:This has been a rollercoaster day.
We mentioned an idea in a couple of places. We want to install a year round graywater system in allerton abbey. So there would be a small wofati greenhouse a little ways away from allerton abbey. And it would be full of plants that looooove graywater.
In discussions a few months ago with jennifer and josiah, the three of us came up with some ideas for what would make a wofati greenhouse be a step up from an oehler greenhouse.
An oehler greenhouse has four major components:
- pit style
- one long bed with the bed on the uphill side, and walkway on the downhill side
- earth bermed on the north side
- a five feet deep pit under the walkway
The wofati greenhouse would add
- the earth berm side would add the umbrella to add annualized thermal inertia (ATI)
- the five feet deep pit would be augmented with two 20 feet deep well casings
- passive destratification
Passive destratification: a one inch pipe would go to about a foot from the bottom of the well casing to a foot from the top of the greenhouse area. Blackened metal pipe would be exposed to the sun. When the sun shines on the pipe, air is moved up. Cold air is pulled from the lowest area, warmed and expelled into the greenhouse. This means that the warmer air in the greenhouse is eventually pulled/pushed into the lowest area. Without this, the air at the top of the greenhouse gets very warm while the air at the lowest area remains cold - stratified. The one inch pipe will passively force an air exchange from the coldest area to the warmest. During the night, the lowest area can become warmer than the greenhouse area, so that air rises.
Today I was meeting with Mike and Ashley and they suggested that I should do a kickstarter for the wofati greenhouse. Basically, we have josiah here to be the videographer guy. And we have the bootcamp here to build it.
So at lunch we threw together a rough idea.
$15 the final movie when it is all done
$50 heaps of raw footage as we collect it
$100 weekly interactive: Two hours of Q&A as we plow through the project. All of which is recorded and may end up in the final movie. No fewer than four interactives. Plus, name in the credits and a few other goodies.
We are trying to put together a rough idea of expenses. Maybe some extra video equipment? If we are on a timeline, we might need a "plan B" for the excavator. Materials. Tools? All of the regular kickstarter expenses.
The timeline is that we would start the kickstarter around the first of july so if it is funded, we might start the work in early august - an excellent time to do that sort of work. We expect the build to take four weeks. And then we need to test the temperatures over the winter. So the final movie could be available sometime in march.
Click on the thumbs up for this post if you would support this kickstarter.
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Cold air is pulled from the lowest area, warmed and expelled into the greenhouse. This means that the warmer air in the greenhouse is eventually pulled/pushed into the lowest area.
At what point does this become more trouble than it's worth--ie, a septic and leach field is less metal and mateiral, less digging, same yield...?
Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:I'm getting lost here and it's late. But these are the kinds of questions that might be worth making airtight answers to before kickstarting.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Your friend isn't always right and your enemy isn't always wrong.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
josiah asked me to stand outside with my labcoat
Devoured by giant spiders without benefit of legal counsel isn't called "justice" where I come from!
-Amazon Women On The Moon
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Mike Haasl wrote:
I think that one way or another, we'll come up with something that will exceed an Oehler greenhouse.
A kickstarter just to document/video an Oehler build would be worth it by itself. Incorporating wofati umbrella concepts and a grey water system makes is a lock for being awesome. Having the extra experiment of a passive deep soil pipe is the frosting on the cake. In my mind.
I think we can pick at the engineering once the design is presented and make it even awesomer. But even if the pipe/casing thing doesn't work, the greenhouse in total should do better than an Oehler greenhouse.
Regarding the time of year, Paul could wait 6 months to do it, or he could do it now with the boots and resources and everything that's currently available. It will still be in the ground next year for the full annualized experience. So if it barely skates by over the winter of 2020/21 then it will be fun to watch it do even better after a year of preheating.
So my input is to go hit the gas! We can do some engineering on the side but don't let that distract from the awesomeness of the entire project.
Nails are sold by the pound, that makes sense.
Soluna Garden Farm -- Flower CSA -- plants, and cut flowers at our Boston Public Market location, Boston, Massachusetts.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
The opportunity to get to observe it THIS WINTER is more valuable than designing the perfect passive vertical earth tubes (if they work).
Jennifer Richardson wrote:Josiah made a good catch--somehow we managed to only show half the cold sink in our scale drawings, instead of the full 5 feet. Here's a modified version:
Hans Albert Quistorff, LMT projects on permies Hans Massage Qberry Farm magnet therapy gmail hquistorff
Perpetual Growth Regenerative Horticulture. Grow in peace.
luke iseman wrote:I'd be happy to build a digital temperature+humidity logging setup for this, sharing the plans + sending a couple to Wheaton Labs (for free).
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
I can't take it! You are too smart for me! Here is the tiny ad:
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars