For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
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Peter Dörrie wrote:There are specific areas in Germany that have lots of ticks, usually those with a milder climate. The illnesses they transmit depend on the area in question and you can get detailed information from the health institutions run by the federal states as to where exactly tics are a problem. This also tends to fluctuate a bit year to year.
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Just let it grow already
Marc Dube wrote:Lots of ticks in Saskatchewan mainly in May and June they normally disappear after a good heat wave.
I went for a 10 mile hike in April a couple years ago and had to leave because I was sick of picking ticks off, i STOPPED counting at 300 and were picking them off even after driving home while naked they were just coming out of everywhere.
Just let it grow already
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
It is a privilege to live, work and play in the traditional territory of the Salish People.
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Some places need to be wild
I don't own the plants, they own me.
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This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Please all, and you will please none --Aesop ... displeased tiny ad:
A rocket mass heater heats your home with one tenth the wood of a conventional wood stove