I present M.C. Mjolnir:
Note--the piece of
wood I used for the handle was just a little bit too big, and crooked in a way I didn't like, so I switched it out for one slightly less crooked and a little thinner. I did not peel the bark off any of this.
I made this with the following hand tools, some of which may not have gotten a cameo:
--small chisel, now half broken
--a screw (used as a rasp or a hole maker to start the hole straight, NOT as a fastener) and a nail (for similar reasons--this really sucked when it got stuck)
--a power tool drill bit, with a screwdriver head (no power!)
--a flathead screwdriver (as a chisel--didn't work out well for the screwdriver either)
--some cinder blocks to hold things up at some points
--some clamps
--no tools that would have actually made the job reasomable, such as a full-sized chisel or hand drill, a better claw-tooth hammer for getting the nail back out)
I learned a lot from this process. I started this mostly from curiosity about whether I Could actually pull this off, and it's been more illuminating than I anticipated. I think I am going to go for the full badge and make a stool next, since life has handed me green wood!