POST 230 (DAY 240, Tuesday, 2021.4.6)
[Morning Entry]
... THE WORK: AM—garden patch.. need a name.. it faces north, on a
hugel behind the FPH, and has scaffolding with notched steps.. “Scaffold Square,” perhaps?!.. it’s nice to send positive, loving intentions to a patch of
land that has the ability to
feed people.. I am definitely starting from close to zero
gardening knowledge.. my dad ran a plant nursery for a while, and I’d reluctantly gone to help him on some days, when I was a rebellious teen.. and both parents spent most of their weekends watering and loving on their decorative gardens around the houses we lived in.. food was not grown.. actually there was one time I grew squash, corn and tomatoes.. because I planted the seeds and then my dad watered them regularly.. for some reason, I didn’t want to eat the crop harvest then.. The thought of eating fresh organic produce from this Scaffold Square, however, is pretty exciting!..
...PM—“beach clean up” behind the shop.. it was a debris field of mish mash miscellaneous bits.. some reusable, some burnable, some just trash, that’s collected over the years.. feels good to have a clean home..
... today I’m grateful for a community of kind, hard working individuals.. I’m grateful for not having to chase money (as much).. two things at the top of my list.. I love this lifestyle..
... enjoy the pics~!!!