posted 3 years ago
POST 380 (DAY 390, Friday, 2021.9.3)
[Morning Entry]
…. A desire to speak and be heard.. it’s the thing that humans crave perhaps more than physical food itself.. only, this desire for spiritual/emotional nourishment can be suppressed, overlooked, ignored, and sometimes even lost.. so the craving remains just underneath the surface, and feels sated infrequently or hardly ever.. this isn’t always the case.. and when it isn’t, that’s a special thing: to have a relationship with a thing that nourishes.. and to recognize that that special thing is an active pursuit, and not just a passive realization.. that which feeds me, I am grateful for.. what is it that I’m trying to say?.. I’m not sure.. just talking/writing.. about vague things on my mind.. just to write something to this journal of sorts.. =D
much love