POST 234 (DAY 244, Saturday, 2021.4.10)
[Morning Entry]
...THE WORK: build a rolly shelf for the tool wall in the auditorium, to beautify the space a bit.. thanks C and E for helping so much!!!
...A RANT: an emotional point of reference.. often when a new memory is formed or a perspective is shifted, there comes with it an emotional marker.. (like in that one movie with the colorful memory bubbles!).. and in contrast when there isn’t an emotional event or occurrence, the memory is vague or gone.. a new memory/perspective shift can be a lesson learned—something that alters my course or the way I take course.. recently I stood up when prompted to sit, because it didn’t feel right to sit.. someone was being rude to me and it was not okay for me to keep the status quo of “everything is fine..”.. it was not fine; it was not okay to receive this rudeness.. so I simply stood up and got out of the way.. if someone is being rude, that’s fine/okay, because it’s their journey and I’d rather not be the judge.. but I do uphold the liberty to move my a$$ out of the way of such behavior (note: distinction—behavior and identity are different—being/acting rudely doesn’t make a person rude).. I simultaneously strive to uphold my honor to defend the human who may be acting in a rude state.. a state; not a permanent identity..
... the emotional marker for me was pain and sadness.. it hurt to
experience a connection interrupted by whatever this rudeness was.. it came out to take charge and it wasn’t pretty.. but life ain’t always pretty right?.. it saddened me to know that I would have to allow the interruption of such a lovely connection thus far.. but life ain’t always smooth either right?.. we row on.. I accepted the pain and sadness with faith that it’s just part of this dynamic emotional journey of ever refining perspective and creating remarkable experiences.. “without the butter there is no sweet..” .. and so I appreciate the butter tremendously..
... connections will be interrupted because ‘ideal’ is imaginary.. it’s an image of something to run toward.. I might trip or kick someone in the shin along the way unintentionally.. the meaning we place on things define our level of acceptance of it and our selves.. it’s a nice thing to know that we get to choose the meanings in many cases.. the meaning I choose is that my bond with this person, who was behaving rudely, can grow stronger; or that, at the very least, I stand up at the right time, for my self (and possibly for someone else).. I don’t profess to know what IS “wrong or right”, but I do know what feels right.. to me it feels right to accept this person as they are (in their loveliest state as well as their crude-rude state), and to uphold my liberty to wiggle my butt in the general direction of kindness.. in gratitude.. thank you..!!!
... Enjoy the pics~!!!