This evening I made 2lbs of seed balls! I was hoping to make 4lbs but I ran out of clay. I'll have to dig some more up at some point and finish off this BB...
The seeds I included are listed below. Those in bold are
Crab Apple
Wild Cherry (
P. avium
- Ragged Robin
- Aquilegia
- Dandelion
- Yellow Rattle
- Common Vetch
Meadow Cranesbill
Welsh Poppy
Chinese Rose (
R. rugosa)
I used
5% sawdust, 10% compost, 5% perlite and 80% clay for my mixture (by weight, roughly). The sawdust was added to help keep the balls dry, the compost to add fertility, the perlite to help the seed ball break down by wicking moisture - and the purpose of the clay is obvious.
I'll add another reply and link back to this one when I manage to finish off the requirements!