Determining the difference between Bockings 4 and 14 is done by consensus. It's like trying to identify the difference between twins.
"There are other spots on the web to get my fix proving someone is an idiot but no other place for what I get here." -- former permie Brice Moss, 2012.
K. Lopez wrote:Do you find Insta-Pots more useful than just a pressure cooker on the stovetop?
Living a life that requires no vacation.
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” — Abraham Lincoln
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Paul Eusey wrote:
K. Lopez wrote:Do you find Insta-Pots more useful than just a pressure cooker on the stovetop?
Not at all... I refuse to use anything non-stick because they are still using PFAS/PFOS chemicals (they may claim to be free on one or another or a couple, but they are just using a familial chemical with a different name (PFOx or PFAx), and they are all just as bad. (There are new laws that are trying to end that deception from the chemical corporation)
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
Love is the only resource that grows the more you use it.
David Brower
Joan Candalino wrote:Otherwise it's really nice to do rice while working on the rest of the meal. "saute" to melt the butter and mix in rice, "cancel", "rice" add broth etc., "start", close lid, let it make rice and keep it warm.
Real funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes!
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Dennis Barrow wrote:I use ours for hard boiling eggs.
4 minutes and they are perfect !!
Living a life that requires no vacation.
I tend to broth up whatever bones are around after a meal or two. Otherwise I'd risk discovering science experiments in the back of the fridge. Depending on what we've eaten (duck and chicken carcasses are the most common) I'll end up with a liter or less of broth. If I pour it into a jar while it's hot and there's fat that floats to the top, the fat will seal it and keep it good in the fridge for a week or more. I use the fat in baking - yes it's not perfectly "white" but the flavorful things I make cover any slight flavor in the fat and at least I know I'm eating fat from well raised animals.Stacy Witscher wrote:For those of you using it for broth or stock, are you using a single chicken carcass or just a meals worth of pork or beef bones. It seems awfully small for broth. My stock pot is 16 quarts. I've never seen an Insta-pot that large, or maybe I just haven't looked enough.
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Today is a very exciting time in my life. I am on a wonderful adventure and will never go through this particular experience again.
Kena Landry wrote:I haven't found an Instant Pot recipe I couldn't do on my stovetop pressure cooker (13 years old and as good looking as the day we got it as a wedding gift)
I wouldn't like a heating pressured kitchen implement to run unattended in my house, so I don't see how the delayed function would be useful (plus it means food sitting at room temp for a while, right?)
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
William Bronson wrote:
Dennis Barrow wrote:I use ours for hard boiling eggs.
4 minutes and they are perfect !!
Des the 4 minutes include time to pressurize/de-pressurize?
Real funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes!
Do, there is no try --- Yoda
No one is interested in something you didn't do--- Gord Downie
I'm assuming you're talking about standard large or extra large chicken eggs?William Bronson, the 4 minutes is pressurized / cook time. I let the instapot depressurize on its own and them submerse the eggs in ice water bath to cool.
I crack the shells at the bubble end of the egg and usually run cool water at the tap lightly over the egg and the shells come off near perfect each time.
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Paul Eusey wrote:
K. Lopez wrote:Do you find Insta-Pots more useful than just a pressure cooker on the stovetop?
Not at all... I refuse to use anything non-stick because they are still using PFAS/PFOS chemicals (they may claim to be free on one or another or a couple, but they are just using a familial chemical with a different name (PFOx or PFAx), and they are all just as bad. (There are new laws that are trying to end that deception from the chemical corporation).
I heard you can get a stainless insert for an insta-pot , but honestly... Why bother, it’s still an awfully big lump of plastic... I like my stove top pressure cookers and canners, they work great and are easy to use and clean.
Good Luck!
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
If someone ever makes the Avengers of gardeners, my goal is to make that team!
Aimee Hall wrote:Then I got the model that you could use remotely with bluetooth and the app, and I was thrilled! I am busy, very busy and I could set my things to follow a script. For bone broth, bring it to pressure for 10 minutes, release, cool down, repeat a few times to really extract the goodness from the bones without having to do all of that manually. I literally dumped the prepared ingredients in, locked the lid, selected the saved recipe from my app and it did the rest. This was also fantastic for canning which is what I use the instantpot for most. I have used it to pressure can literally hundreds of thousands of quarts of food I would not have had time to preserve otherwise. I often live alone and the smaller jars work wonders for me and often, all I have to do if I am really out of time is open a jar and eat.
r ranson wrote:The instant pot instructions say that the pressure doesn't get high enough to can low acid foods. But it should be able to seal foods that waterbath canning.
But it is so much smaller than my canner.
keep an eye out for scorpions and black widows. But the tiny ads are safe.
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