To complete this
BB, the minimum requirements are:
should serve at least 2 people (leftovers!)
- ingredients are not be pre-processed (no can-of-whatever soup or preshredded cheese, for example)
- no microwave
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
- post a rough recipe of what you put in your soup/stew/chowder/pottage
- post a picture of you preparing some of the ingredients (chopping herbs or carrots, for example)
- post a picture of your ingredients in their cooking vessel
- post a picture of your finished soup!
The following are strictly forbidden:
- Aluminum cookware
- Teflon and similar materials
- Microwave ovens
- Plastic touching the food, including cooking utensils and zip lock bags
Full disclosure: My cutting board is some sort of synthetic material, and most of the
mushrooms, the tofu, the chicken, and most of the vegetables except for the chayote and yuzu were stored in plastic at some point - as I bought them from the grocery store which hasn't escaped plastic wrapping. Other than that I used no plastic, teflon, microwave, or aluminum in the making of this.
If that disqualifies the submission great! It will clear up the point for future posters.
Onto the recipe:
I do not follow recipes for cooking this sort of thing, but here is a detailed description of how I prepared it.
Today I present
Yuzu Nabe (pronounced: Yoozoo Nahbey or something like that)
1 chayote, 1 large carrot, 1 large leek (kyonegi), 1 block of tofu (inakadofu), a sixth or so of a head of chinese cabbage (hakusai), enoki mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, chicken on the bone, 3 yuzu (a variety of citron), a small piece of ginger, garlic to taste, dried shiitake mushrooms, dried bonito flakes (katsuobushi), and dried kelp (kombu), and salt.
- Fill earthenware pot (donabe) 1/4 full of water.
- Put in dried shiitake, bonito flakes, and kelp (these form basic dashi) and turn heat on very low setting while preparing other ingredients.
- Declump mushrooms and add to pot.
- Add chicken to the pot and increase heat to low or medium low. (fresh ingredients release dashi faster)
- Crush, husk, and dice garlic.
- Peel slice and dice ginger.
- Cut yuzu into halves, remove seeds. Squeeze juice into pot with the peel side facing down to catch any hidden seeds and release delicious aromatic gasses from the peel when squeezing. Let the juice drizzle into the pot.
- Peel, slice, and dice yuzu zest and add with ginger and garlic (that has been sitting for a few minutes while preparing yuzu - I hear it's best to let garlic sit before adding to get some of the best health benefits).
- Add salt. (Maybe not the best time, I'm still hunting for the best timing for adding salt to hot pots)
- Bring pot to a boil.
- While these are all gently releasing their flavors chop the vegetables and tofu.
- Add vegetables in an attractive way.
- Cook until soft. Ideally stop before everything loses it's color. I missed that timing this time, argh.
And picture proof.
- post a picture of you preparing some of the ingredients
Dashi goodness
Garlic, Ginger, and Yuzu
Slicing garlic
Ready to go in
Other vegetable ingredients gathered for chopping
- post a picture of your ingredients in their cooking vessel
Lower Layer
Top Layer
- post a picture of your finished soup!
Yuzu Nabe - Dekiagari! (ready to eat)