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Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
I keep trying to select for volunteer tomatoes, but alas that one still eludes me.
These tomatoes have an exceptionally sweet and rich flavour, especially for their size.
Because of their blight resistance they continue producing fruit long after other tomatoes.
It dates back at least to the 1880’s in the USA and originates in Hidalgo State,
Mexico. The Victoria Seed Library received these seeds in 2014 from the Seed
and Plant Sanctuary for Canada.
They can become huge - even up to 13 feet tall in the right conditions, so their
climbing vines need to be well supported. Time to maturity ≈53 days (to eat)
R Ranson wrote:
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
I keep trying to select for volunteer tomatoes, but alas that one still eludes me.
We gotta talk.
One of my biggest most annoying 'weeds' are the volunteer tomatoes. One variety in particular is especially enthusiastic about volunteering, it even has some of the seed dormancy mechanisms like wild plants. Last year's plants were very popular with the bees. It's usually my earliest producer and a heavy cropper until the first hard frost. 20 foot spread, tiny tomatoes, but no bug or disease problems... yet, drought tolerant, and most importantly, TASTES GREAT FRESH OR DRY! There are so many things I love about this tomato, I am getting very excited about potential breeding projects.
I received the seed from my local seed library (pdf link). From their catalogue:
These tomatoes have an exceptionally sweet and rich flavour, especially for their size.
Because of their blight resistance they continue producing fruit long after other tomatoes.
It dates back at least to the 1880’s in the USA and originates in Hidalgo State,
Mexico. The Victoria Seed Library received these seeds in 2014 from the Seed
and Plant Sanctuary for Canada.
They can become huge - even up to 13 feet tall in the right conditions, so their
climbing vines need to be well supported. Time to maturity ≈53 days (to eat)
I usually just give each plant a tomato cage, they climb up through it, over it, and along the ground for about 10 to 15 feet in all direction. The only reason I use the cage is so I can know where to put water, not that it ever seems to want any.
This self seeding squash project is very interesting. We've had cucumbers volunteer before, but that was more a result of the human behaviour rather than the plant's. My grandfather use to pick the over-ripe cucumbers, put them on the ground, stomp on them in anger, then the seeds would dry down and hibernate until spring. It sure would be neet to have a squash that would self seed without so much intervention.
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Joseph Lofthouse wrote:I have a limited repertoire for cooking squash, or any vegetable. They either get stir-fried, or added to a soup. Summer squash are typically fried in butter on high heat so that they scorch. Mmmm.
I have lettuce in my garden that volunteers every year. I first remember it in my daddy's garden when I was a child.
The tomatillos, and Swiss chard volunteer. Turnips often do.
I keep trying to select for volunteer tomatoes, but alas that one still eludes me.
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Amanda Launchbury-Rainey wrote:We get volunteer bindweed. Isn't that sweet?
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Greg Martin wrote:Joseph, is this C. pepo continuing on with it's self seeding for you?
Pat B.
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