Boil water 4L is a little more than a gallon so 2 pop bottles will be a gallon passed through the much smaller pan. The 1st pot I sterilized the pee cups. 2nd pot boiled water and then drop egg in boiling water it cracked in 2m. Then I poured the boiled water in my vegi broth. Put a raw egg with the cracked one to boil in the last pot.
May I make a temporary j-tube stove from brick/stone and use it to boil water for this bb? It would not be welded together with metal. It would not (although I could) have cob to seal it. Just brick or stone stacked to make a j-tube stove to cook on. I'll use it to cook outside when it's too hot to cook inside.
To be certified for this BB you must provide:
- 4 pictures
o pic of starting materials before fire
o pic of fire started
o pic of additional wood added
o pic of water boiling
Adding wood - pushed thr fire back a little because the walls are a little low and fire danger is extreme today.
Boiled some water for my dinner on the jtube cooker at Wheaton Labs. I didn't have a gallon measuring device so I used what I estimated to be a gallon and a half, when compared to a 2 gallon bucket. Behold!
To be certified for this BB you must provide:
attachment 1 - pic of starting materials before fire
attachment 2 - pic of fire started
attachment 3 - pic of additional wood added
attachment 4 - pic of water boiling