Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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this forum made possible by our volunteer staff, including ...
master stewards:
  • Carla Burke
  • Nancy Reading
  • r ranson
  • Jay Angler
  • John F Dean
  • Pearl Sutton
  • Nicole Alderman
  • paul wheaton
  • Anne Miller
master gardeners:
  • Christopher Weeks
  • Timothy Norton
  • thomas rubino
  • Jeremy VanGelder
  • Matt McSpadden
Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
worldofbooks com to buy second hand books 14 hans muster
Kate Downham
Morus rotundiloba "mojo berry" mulberry tree. 2 hans muster
hans muster
fruit trees
Guinea pigs on pasture, tractor style 1 hans muster
Rachel Lindsay
critter care
Fermented fruits for ducks: how much alcohol can they stand? 4 hans muster
Jay Angler
ducks and geese
Removing paint from propane bottles to build a stove: ways to do it safely? 3 hans muster
Anne Miller
wood burning stoves
Game for students to teach rotational grazing, or showing how selective grazing vs rotational works 6 hans muster
Charles Houston
teachers' lounge
Effect of adding nitrogen fertilizer: water accumulation 4 hans muster
hans muster
Using goat fat? 7 hans muster
Timothy Norton
goats and sheep
New biomimicry device to help plant seeds that drill themselves into the soil 3 hans muster
Christopher Weeks
greening the desert
Sustainable transportation; new sustainable cargo ships, wooden and with sails 1 hans muster
Riona Abhainn
Virtual fencing with collars for grazing management. Costs? 8 hans muster
Gray Henon
rotational grazing
Ernst Götsch: bluevision 3 hans muster
Laurel Pinkmountain
permaculture artisans
Neohybrid hazelnuts in Europe 0 hans muster
hans muster
seeds and breeding
Home-made presses for sugarcane or sweet sorghum juice 1 hans muster
John C Daley
low tech
Regenerative Agriculture by Richard Perkins 3 hans muster
Paul Fookes
Automatic chicken doors: fox proofing a coop for when away or late
[ 1, 2 ]
40 hans muster
Timothy Norton
Malting grains, starting beer from seeds 2 hans muster
K Kat
grains and pseudograins
Map showing where a wild species is growing 5 hans muster
Maieshe Ljin
Free ranging guinea pigs (cuy) 31 hans muster
leigh gates
regenpoultry courses by Regi Haslett-Marroquin: Regenerative Poultry Production 1 hans muster
Rachel Lindsay
online learning
Building an incubator controlled by an old smartphone running linux? 3 hans muster
Jack Adam
ducks and geese
Moveable duck pond, or duck pool, which liner? 16 hans muster
hans muster
ducks and geese
WineBaa, a muzzle to graze sheep in wineyards and orchards without destroying trees. 19 hans muster
Heather Staas
goats and sheep
Drilling a well in soil without stone 2 hans muster
Glenn Herbert
Movie on solutions to climate change: Hope! We are in time 1 hans muster
hans muster
ulcer factory
Looking for acorns of sweet holly oak, Quercus ilex rotundifolia to regreen Greece 4 hans muster
Peter Christensen
greening the desert
HogTree, feeding pigs with a constant dropping of fruits 13 hans muster
josh akers
Horse-Fly and giant horsefly in cattle 25 hans muster
Lorinne Anderson
Greenhouse overhead irrigation 3 hans muster
Sena Kassim
Movie "Return to Eden, It's All About Coming Home" 1 hans muster
Greg Martin
movies, videos and documentaries
Hickory nuts, different types, short movie 1 hans muster
Steve Thorn
Dwarf Merino 0 hans muster
hans muster
goats and sheep
Crossing dwarf ewe with bigger ram breed: problems at lambing, or ok? 2 hans muster
hans muster
goats and sheep
Ant control in greenhouse: Paul Stamets' fungus? 12 hans muster
Chris rain
Size of air holes in home-made still air incubators 1 hans muster
hans muster
Dale? Are you ok in the Phillipines, or wherever else? 3 hans muster
hans muster
3d Printing Face shields against corona - help protecting the ones saving lives 1 hans muster
Nicole Alderman
science and research
Corona CovID-19 DIY respirator/ventilator. Help saving lives. 5 hans muster
hans muster
science and research
Predator Pinball 1 hans muster
John F Dean
Pig tractor under Bananas, Scott in Zambia 0 hans muster
hans muster
Plastic bottles, reshaping for irrigation (waterboxes) to regreen the desert, for tree survival 2 hans muster
hans muster
greening the desert
Seed saving in humid climate: conserve them through vacuum, with a modified bike pump 3 hans muster
Michael Holtman
seeds and breeding
Goldenrod as rabbit feed? 2 hans muster
hans muster
Bunyip pumps. Pumping water uphill with the power of the river 0 hans muster
hans muster
Coccidiosis in Rabbits: edible home treatment and prevention which you can eat 1 hans muster
bernetta putnam
Fruit tree cuttings with Aloe? Use of home-made rooting hormones. 5 hans muster
Ana West
Sweet potatoes in buckets, on trellis 5 hans muster
Bryant RedHawk
root crops
Anthelmintic trees for goats, temperate climate. What works against worms (the parasites)? 9 hans muster
Kate Downham
goats and sheep
Poelito, a rocket mass heater for mobile use. Semi-dismountable 0 hans muster
hans muster
rocket mass heaters
Fox proof duck passage under water? 11 hans muster
Mike Barkley
ducks and geese
Grass Growth in Drylands, How to Decide When to Graze. Holistic Management in Semiarid to Arid place 8 hans muster
Devon Olsen
greening the desert
Tree guards in pastoral areas with goats and sheep 5 hans muster
William Bronson
greening the desert
Farming, rangeland, and environmental movies in Arabic : preventing the next war 1 hans muster
hans muster
movies, videos and documentaries
Spanish language permaculture resources 2 hans muster
hans muster
web sites
Grafting Pears onto Hawthorn, compatibility issues on the long term 7 hans muster
David Livingston
Reforestation in Haiti 0 hans muster
hans muster
Fly trap which lay eggs, produce meat. Cairinia moschata, microlivestock book 0 hans muster
hans muster
Bicycle powered mill and degrainer 1 hans muster
Jeanine Gurley Jacildone
grains and pseudograins
Funny milk/cheese video 5 hans muster
r ranson
blatant advertising
transporting round hay bales without tractor 7 hans muster
Mv Winship
small farm