PEP BB Plumbing.Sand.Tiny.Unclog - Unclog a Drain with Zip Tool
35 |
Ash Jackson
Mark Miner
pep plumbing |
Make a comfrey leaf poultice - PEP BB medicine.sand.poultice.comfrey
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
24 |
Ash Jackson
Jesse Lane
pep natural medicine |
Make rosehip syrup or gummies - PEP BB medicine.sand.syrup.rosehip
5 |
Ash Jackson
Alexandra Malecki
pep natural medicine |
PEP 1 Certification - Apply, Boast, and Certify Here
37 |
Ash Jackson
Nancy Reading
pep |
PEP BB Homesteading.Sand.FireHygiene - Properly Install Proper Fire Tools at a Fire Contraption
11 |
Ash Jackson
Alexandra Malecki
pep homesteading |
PEP BB Homesteading.Sand.SpringClean - Cleanup stuff that "went missing" during the year
4 |
Ash Jackson
James Bradford
pep homesteading |
Set up a system for dealing with wood ash - PEP BB Nest.straw.WoodAsh
21 |
Ash Jackson
Clay McGowen
pep nest |
Sharpen three knives - PEP BB tool.straw.knives
11 |
Ash Jackson
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care |
Install a dehumidifier that drains to greywater or other drain -PEP BB Nest.straw.Dehumidifier
6 |
Ash Jackson
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
Dry elderberries or flowers for a tea, infusion or decoction - PEP BB medicine.sand.dryelderberries
7 |
Ash Jackson
Clay McGowen
pep natural medicine |
Make a Peppermint Leaf Infusion - PEP BB medicine.sand.peppermintinfusion
28 |
Ash Jackson
Jessica Michell
pep natural medicine |
Set up a Downhill Water Siphon - PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.siphon
6 |
Ash Jackson
Clay McGowen
pep plumbing |
PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.tempwaterpump - Set Up a Temporary Water Pump
5 |
Ash Jackson
Clay McGowen
pep plumbing |
Design: Solarium at Wheaton Labs: Design Conversation
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
216 |
Ash Jackson
paul wheaton
natural building |
My PEP Badge Tracker: An easier way to track your PEP Badge Progress
36 |
Ash Jackson
Ash Jackson
digital market |
Perform some sort of labor over the internet and get paid - PEP BB commerce.sand.internet
1, 2, 3
< ...
<8, 9, 10
93 |
Ash Jackson
Cheryl Loomans
pep commerce |
Clean Four Windows, Inside and Out - PEP BB Nest.Sand.CleanWindows
1, 2, 3
< ...
<5, 6, 7
43 |
Ash Jackson
Cheryl Loomans
pep nest |
Harvest, Dry and Store Red Clover - PEP BB medicine.sand.dryredclover
12 |
Ash Jackson
Jesse Lane
pep natural medicine |
PEP BB naturalbuilding.sand.whitewash - Make White Wash
13 |
Ash Jackson
Cheryl Loomans
pep |
"What would get YOU doing a PEP / SKIP BB?"
1, 2, 3, 4
149 |
Ash Jackson
Kena Landry
skills to inherit property |
Dry rose hips/blossoms/petals for a tea, infusion or decoction - PEP BB medicine.sand.dryrose
18 |
Ash Jackson
Cheryl Loomans
pep natural medicine |
Make echinacea syrup or gummies - PEP BB medicine.sand.syrup.echinacea
1 |
Ash Jackson
Cheryl Loomans
pep natural medicine |
Make a Plantain Leaf Poultice - PEP BB Medicine.Sand.PlantainPoultice
1, 2, 3
22 |
Ash Jackson
Alexandra Malecki
pep natural medicine |
Dry oregon grape stem or root for a tea, infusion or decoction - PEP BB medicine.sand.drygrape
3 |
Ash Jackson
Clay McGowen
pep natural medicine |
Set up a system for collecting burnables - PEP BB Nest.Straw.Burnables
30 |
Ash Jackson
Clay McGowen
pep nest |
BB Mentor Program
27 |
Ash Jackson
Matthias Martins Brunger
skills to inherit property |
BB20 Certification - Apply, Boast, and Certify Here
1, 2
69 |
Ash Jackson
Jennifer Markestad
pep |
Solve a Mold Problem - PEP BB homesteading.straw.solvemold
3 |
Ash Jackson
Gunnar Gebhard
pep homesteading |
HALP! My PEP Badge Tracker Trello Support
14 |
Ash Jackson
r ranson
digital market |
Give a presentation - PEP BB community.sand.present
5 |
Ash Jackson
Alexandra Malecki
pep community |
Deep clean the exterior of a washer and dryer - PEP BB Nest.straw.ExteriorWasher
5 |
Ash Jackson
Joy Hancock
pep nest |
HALP! My PEP Badge Tracker PDF & General Support
2 |
Ash Jackson
T Bate
skip workshop |
30 Days of PEP - A structure and idea for getting started with PEP
2 |
Ash Jackson
Ash Jackson
skip workshop |
Set Up A Rag System - PEP BB Nest.Straw.Rags
20 |
Ash Jackson
Cheryl Loomans
pep nest |
Daily Check 4 Legged Animals - PEP BB animal.sand.dailyquad
1, 2
7 |
Ash Jackson
Macey Vaughan
pep animal care |
Replace Washing Machine Supply Hoses - PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.replacesupplyhose
3 |
Ash Jackson
Geoffrey Taylor
pep plumbing |
Make a Ginger Root Poultice - PEP BB Medicine.Sand.GingerPoultice
5 |
Ash Jackson
Nikki Roche
pep natural medicine |
Which Badge Bits (BB's) do YOU think are easiest? :: Apple Poll
25 |
Ash Jackson
gir bot
pep |
How to Get Your First Badge Bit (BB)
0 |
Ash Jackson
Mike Haasl
skills to inherit property |
BB5 Certification - Apply, Boast, and Certify Here
1, 2
62 |
Ash Jackson
Joy Hancock
pep |
The Many Facets of SkIP that appeal to me
1 |
Ash Jackson
S Rogers
skills to inherit property |
BB10 Certification - Apply, Boast, and Certify Here
1, 2
72 |
Ash Jackson
Jennifer Markestad
pep |
Apply Sand on Ice - PEP BB Nest.straw.SandIce
3 |
Ash Jackson
Christopher Weeks
pep nest |
BB40 Certification - Apply, Boast, and Certify Here
32 |
Ash Jackson
Zoe Ward
pep |
Tip of the Hat to Permaculture Values
1 |
Ash Jackson
Raphaël Blais
pep commerce |
PEP BB medicine.sand.dryginger - Dry ginger root for a tea, infusion or decoction
3 |
Ash Jackson
Kailyn Topper
pep natural medicine |
BB60 Certification - Apply, Boast, and Certify Here
28 |
Ash Jackson
Raphaël Blais
pep |
Ash's times at Wheaton Labs
19 |
Ash Jackson
Ash Jackson
wheaton laboratories |
A Town with No Cars that can Feed Itself
3 |
Ash Jackson
Alana Rose
transition towns |
BB Club - Weekly on Wednesdays at 8am Mountain
1, 2
43 |
Ash Jackson
Joshua Myrvaagnes
skills to inherit property |
Make a lavender blossom infusion - PEP BB medicine.sand.lavenderinfusion
1 |
Ash Jackson
Opalyn Rose
pep natural medicine |
Dry oat straw for a tea, infusion or decoction - PEP BB medicine.sand.dryoatsraw
1 |
Ash Jackson
Shannon Lawrence
pep natural medicine |
Denver area Permies, say 'Hi.' (roll call)
9 |
Ash Jackson
Nathan Southerland
rockies |
Co-opting the PUD (Planned Unit Development)
13 |
Ash Jackson
Jeremy VanGelder
city repair |
Paul's A-Frame Wofatish Idea
1, 2
47 |
Ash Jackson
Nathaniel Swasey
wofati and earth berm |
Landrace seed saving - PEP BB gardening.iron.landrace
4 |
Ash Jackson
Mark Reed
pep gardening |
Bounties for Badge Bits - Get Freebies!
10 |
Ash Jackson
paul wheaton
skills to inherit property |
Ash's Hand-Dug Hugelkultur for PEP [Log]
33 |
Ash Jackson
David Huang
skip workshop |
HALP! My PEP Badge Tracker Workflowy Support
10 |
Ash Jackson
Ash Jackson
pep |
PEP Air Badges and BB5/10/20/etc
1, 2
44 |
Ash Jackson
Ash Jackson
skills to inherit property |