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Basic water recipe:
4-6T dried herb or 6-8T fresh into a quart jar
Fill jar with boiling water
Steep for 30-45 minutes
Strain and drink
Basic tea recipe:
1-2T fresh or dried herb in tea ball
Steep in nearly boiling water in tea cup or mug
Add maple syrup or honey to taste
Drink when cool enough to not burn
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~ Dragons, Fairies and even a Mini-Paul! ~ You Know You're a Permie When...~ All About Permies, including tutorials ~Herbal Hugel Spiral of Randomness!~Tricks to Keep the Dirt from Sliding off a Hugel~List of Cascadia Bloggers and Facebook Pages!~
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Good point, I just changed the requirements
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Jennifer Richardson wrote:I think it might not be necessary to require a permanent labeled jar picture for infusions, since most people drink them by the cup as teas/tisanes.
Infusions are used for extraction of labile constituents such as vitamins, enzymes and volatile oils. the aerial parts of herbs such as flowers and leaves are usually used for infusions.
Directions for one cup of infusion:
Two recommended methods for hot infusion:
(A) Add one cup of boiling water to one tablespoon of dry herb or three tablespoons of fresh herb in an air tight container like a canning jar.
(B) Bring one cup of water to boil in a stainless steal or glass kettle. Remove the kettle from the burner and add one heaping tablespoon of the dry herb or three heaping tablespoons of fresh herb to the water. Cover the kettle with a tight-fitting lid.
Steep for 10-15 minutes.. R Remove the lid, strain and drink the liquid. The tea can be consumed hot or cold, depending on the specific usage. Large quantities can be made and stored in the refrigerator. Do not store tea for longer than 3 days because it may grow mold. It is best to make teas as they are needed.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
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Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
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Check out the plans to build your own charka-style spinning wheel from bicycle parts
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Cargo bikes are cool
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“Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with colored flowers and herbs” St. Francis of Assisi
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"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." ~ Paulo Coelho
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Now you can track your PEP BB and Badge progress in Google Sheets! Download today: PEP BB Calculator for Google Sheets
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"And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else."
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15
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—Victor Wenceslaus Johannes Lauriculus
Pax Christi vobiscum.
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Note: Good job with your first BB!
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J Lane
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~ jean (self-learner, homeschooling mom, DIY'er)
Teach the next generation by teaching them to love learning | https://selfeducatingfamily.com/
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Note: When in doubt, make tea. It always makes things better Good luck!
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