Jenny Kellar wrote:Is the Jamboree novice friendly and can a 17 year old attend with an accompanied adult?
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Jules Silverlock wrote:
Jenny Kellar wrote:Is the Jamboree novice friendly and can a 17 year old attend with an accompanied adult?
Yes and yesIt's a great opportunity for learning, with no experience required, and you can practically immerse yourself as much or as little as you like. With such a variety of tracks available, there will be something that will appeal to both of you I'm sure. We look forward to seeing you both next year!
The Kickstarter Video Deal:
For each minute of video you take and submit, that we use in a kickstarter movie, we will provide for you:
- $50 (or $100, or $200 - see below)
- 2 gift codes for the final product
- $50 worth of digital market moichendize (PW)
- $50 off a ticket(s) to future jamborees
So if you set us up with 30 minutes of video that make it into a final kickstarter movie:
- $1500 (or $3000, or $6000 - see below)
- 60 gift codes for the final product
- $1500 worth of digital market moichendize (PW)
- $1500 off a ticket(s) to future jamborees
Fine print:
- for a kickstarter movie that brings in more than $50,000
o $50 per minute if the kickstarter brings in $50k to $99K
o $100 per minute if the kickstarter brings in $100k to $199K
o $200 per minute if the kickstarter brings in more than $200K
- prorated, so if we use 22 seconds you get 22/60 of a minute of this dealio
- we might try to use your video for other stuff, but there is no compensation for that
o "full event", "bonus video" or "stuff that didn't get into the movie"
o stuff on youtube
o etc.
- we are considering if the next Low Tech movie is from a single event or combining the next two.
S Jabs wrote:Speaking of shade...I was planning to camp on the grounds in my tent, but I read that there are only a few tent pads and it may be too rocky otherwise. How can I be sure to get a tent pad? Other advice for tent campers? Will there be mostly tent campers or do most people stay at outside hotels?
S Jabs wrote:Speaking of shade...I was planning to camp on the grounds in my tent, but I read that there are only a few tent pads and it may be too rocky otherwise. How can I be sure to get a tent pad? Other advice for tent campers? Will there be mostly tent campers or do most people stay at outside hotels?
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Tina Wolf wrote:
S Jabs wrote:Speaking of shade...I was planning to camp on the grounds in my tent, but I read that there are only a few tent pads and it may be too rocky otherwise. How can I be sure to get a tent pad? Other advice for tent campers? Will there be mostly tent campers or do most people stay at outside hotels?
The tent pads are on a "first come, first serve" basis. Many folks rent the cabins on site or stay in local hotels.
Heidi Herr wrote:
I am in a vintage travel trailer (with a small dog)...what campgrounds are close - being that things get stared early I want to be as close as possible? And I'm asking for a friend who can live with someone in Missoula, is that too far?
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Heidi Herr wrote:Wonderful! Thank you so much - TICKET PURCHASED
Perfect The Dwelling Land
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Rob Griffin wrote:I am afraid it does not look like I am going to be able to attend the 2024 Permaculture Technology Jamboree. I would like to donate my ticket to a Permies Fan. I assume that is cool with the admins of the PTJ. If so, I will post that I have one available and call for an eligible Permie that would like it and I choose a lucky person.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Rob Griffin wrote:Paul,
I wasn't looking at it that way. It was just my misfortune that I could not attend and am willing to give my ticket away, like a scholarship thing. But if you think people will resent that, I will defer to you. You can resell the ticket if you want, but I don't really care about the money. I look at is as my little (very little) contribution to Permaculture. Can I set up a boot love account with what ever you get and redistribute to Permaculture that way?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Brian Doherty
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