Sonja Draven wrote:
Host your own PDC or workshop?
What are some other ideas for in-person permaculture events you could meet someone like-minded at?
What kind of events would you be more likely to encounter lots of ladies? Which ones would you meet more guys?
You should never forget that every creature has its purpose in the cycle of nature and can also be very important to humans. Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
Nicole Alderman wrote:Years back, there was this thread called Where's all the dudes? It seemed like a lot of the volunteer opportunities had a large percentage of women.
Paul Ellsworth wrote:My question would be "how do we create more permie events locally -- where a like-minded group could get together frequently and maybe come up with a STEM style way to teach permaculture type stuff where even us newbies could support, learn, and grow. And maybe find a similarly aged and interested person with whom to build a set of whatevers that we'd like to make part of the fabric of our local ruralities, towns, and small cities, etc.
I think the hardest part is pure economics -- the difficulty of people from diverse places being able to meet and greet enough for one or both people to decide to commit and move. My belief is also we've become more than a little bit gun shy, I think. Not so much about the commitment, but at least in my own experience: I don't know that we'all remember how to become and stay sweethearts with each other.
What do y'all think? Could we build this kind of meeting space in many many different towns and small cities if we pilot projected a good one, and showed that it would work?
William Hiers wrote:I made a post in the singles forum years ago and connected with 2 people but nothing serious ever came out of it. I find myself contemplating my relationship status a lot right now and i do wish there were permaculture mixers I could go to. Even if they were on zoom it would be nice to connect with like minded people. I'm in a Permaculture dead zone which makes it even worse. (Insert insult aimed at the state of ct here!) Honestly I'm hoping to meet someone at a farmers market since I'm trying to cut back on the phone usage but the odds are slim, guess i better start hoping for fate to intervene lol
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
You should never forget that every creature has its purpose in the cycle of nature and can also be very important to humans. Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
Mike Haasl wrote:I like the farmer's market idea. I started a Homesteading Club in my area and it has brought together a lot of people. ... once you start talking to people about it, they come out of the woodwork. ... It's lead to building a a Community Garden that also would be a good place to find like minded people. If you build it, they will come
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nicole Alderman wrote:A lot of people go to church in part because they're hoping they'll meet someone of a similar ideology. But, that doesn't stop non-single people from going. Maybe a single person never meets a match at church, but they still learned something. The same, I think, applies to a permaculture event. If I were single, I'd much go to an event to learn something, than just one aimed at singles. If you go to a normal event, you come away with having learned something you wanted to learn, even if you didn't meet someone you wanted to meet.
"Being bonkers about permaculture is a bit rare. And when friends try to set you up, you realize that you really prefer to find somebody that has similar permaculture values.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
T Blankinship wrote: From my view as a single guy. The biggest issue is time, I have a forty hours a week job and getting time off can be hard for a lot of reasons. Yes, in a heart beat I would go to a PDC or workshop if I had the time off. For me a one or two day event would be about right. Trying to explain to a boss that you would like to have two weeks in a row off is hard. Summer for me is a busy time. Fall or winter for me is the best time to take time off and go to an event.
Context Matters
Perfect The Dwelling Land
T Blankinship wrote:
From my view as a single guy. The biggest issue is time, I have a forty hours a week job and getting time off can be hard for a lot of reasons. Yes, in a heart beat I would go to a PDC or workshop if I had the time off. For me a one or two day event would be about right. Trying to explain to a boss that you would like to have two weeks in a row off is hard. Summer for me is a busy time. Fall or winter for me is the best time to take time off and go to an event.
Perfect The Dwelling Land
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