This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
In this Badge Bit, you will install a code compliant exterior grade outlet. Often older houses have those silly exterior outlets with flappers over each socket that don't look like they really keep the rain out. Well, they don't. We can do better!
Here's a
video of a guy putting one in:
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- install an exterior outlet with a code compliant box
- includes a cover to keep a plugged in extension cord dry and safe
- this BB is to install the outlet
and the code compliant cover, if you're just putting a cover on an existing box, that doesn't count for this one. But do it anyway!
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pics or video (less than two minutes):
- the location before you start the job
- the wiring underway
- the installation done showing the outlet working correctly with a circuit tester